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What’s going on around here?

We’ve been plugging away with our homeschooling! 

Our basement had a small flood a month ago, and we’ve gotten it back together (new trim up, walls painted, carpet fixed and put back).  Because my husband did a lot of the work himself (and the insurance company knew he was going to), we had enough money to get the trim finished on our first level, too!  He had put all of it in after our floors were replaced last fall but hadn’t had a chance to fill holes, caulk, or paint yet.  So, last weekend he touched up the paint on the first level, also.  It’s looking so fresh and nice!

I’ve started drinking 2 teaspoons of Bragg’s apple cider vinegar (from Whole Foods) every morning.  I think it might be helping with my energy level.  I feel a bit better!

I realized last week that I’ve been pregnant 9 times in the last 9 years–no wonder I’m so tired.

I’m reading Sarah Palin’s autobiography and really enjoying it.  I also picked up Ginger Plowman’s book "Don’t Make Me Count to Three" again.  My kids need some more focused obedience training!

We had fun watching the Olympics.  We never watch TV.  It’s been a year, I know, because I had never hooked up the converter box to our old tv and antenna.  We got a digital tv a couple of months ago and were able to get NBC to work with the antenna.  But, now that the Oympics are over, the antenna has been unplugged!

The kids do watch an educational video usually every day and a movie on the weekend.  Our favorite educational ones are Drive Thru History, Peanuts history dvds, Signing Time, Leapfrog, Moody Science Videos, Answers in Genesis dvds, and The Gospel of John.

I have an ultrasound next week.  For the first time, we’re going to find out if our baby is a boy or a girl!

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  1. Kassondral says:

    Sounds like I need that book about obedience too. Is it very good? What does the apple cider vinegar do? I'm very interested in natural ways to live and eat. I hope all goes well with your ultrasound. Blessings.

  2. I haven't visited your blog in a few weeks and just saw that you are pregnant! I'm so excited for you and hope you're feeling well!

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