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Why We Changed our History Curriculum for Homeschool High School to Tapestry of Grace

Why We Changed our History Curriculum for Homeschool High School

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Today I’m sharing with you Why We Changed our History Curriculum for Homeschool High School and what we changed it to. For many years I have had in my mind a couple of curricula that I was pretty sure we’d use in high school for history. Both are Christian-based and written by awesome ladies I just love!

But I have discovered another Christian-based curriculum, written by another lady I just love! It’s called Tapestry of Grace.

Last year our family began using Tapestry of Grace. The style is classical education, so this year my oldest is in the Rhetoric stage.

Here are several things I love about the history curriculum:

  • It’s in a 4-year cycle. Last year we did Year 4, which was 20th Century history. (And, you may remember that I wrote a 20th Century Music Appreciation course that I taught to the kids that is now available for purchase!) This year we are doing Year 1, which is Ancient History.
  • It’s biblically based. Even though all the books they are reading aren’t written by Christian authors, the curriculum itself guides the students into looking at the history (or literature, philosophy, government, etc.) through a biblical worldview.
  • The kids are give specific reading assignments from Living Books (real books, not textbooks) and questions to answer as they read which will be the basis for the week’s discussion.
  • There are discussions associated with every week’s lesson. This is one of the most awesome features of the curriculum. It has an actual discussion script that the mom or teacher uses to guide the student through a Socratic discussion to learn how to analyze and synthesize the material they are studying. This is for both history and literature.  (By the way, for next month’s homeschool high school blog hop, I’ll explain more about Socratic discussion.)
  • We are using Tapestry of Grace in a co-op, called a Fellowship Group. It is so wonderful! There will be 7 students in my son’s Rhetoric (high school) class.

I highly recommend you look into Tapestry of Grace. They have samples. 🙂

21 Lessons in 20th Century American Music Appreciation square August sale

Here are the other posts I have in my Homeschool High School Series:

Now, for some more informative reading about Math, Science, and History in Homeschool High School, here is the blog hop. And join us the last Wednesday of September when we’ll be sharing about Language Arts in the Homeschool High School!

Home School High School Hosts Share this Month:

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