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World Magazine and God’s World News

My 3 oldest kids are participating again in the Bible Bee at the end of August.
To help raise some money for the competition (and get a little spending money for themselves), they are selling World Magazine and God’s World News subscriptions.

If you don’t know anything about these magazines:

World Magazine comes every 2 weeks and is similar to Time or Newsweek, but from
a Christian perspective. We’ve been getting it at our home for 15 years. It is
a wonderful news source! $49.95 for 26 issues. (That’s $10 less than they sell
it at the website.)

God’s World News reminds me somewhat of the Weekly Reader magazines we got as
kids in school. They come monthly and are full of current events written at the
child’s level and with a Christian worldview. We’ve been using these in our
home for a couple of years now. You also get weekly emails with
additional information to use with your children.
There are 6 different levels: Pre-K, 1st-2nd, 3rd-4th, 5th-6th, Middle School,
and High School. The prices range from $24.95 to $29.95

See , ,or for samples of the magazines.  I’ll be sending in the payments in two weeks, so let me know if you’re interested!
Thanks so much,

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