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100+ Easy and Fun Creative Nature Walks

100+ Easy and Fun Creative Nature Walks

From the first moment I learned about Charlotte Mason, I have wanted to incorporate nature walks in my homeschool. But I would get in a rut and never could think of anything new to do.

Imagine my thrill to find Cindy West’s book 100+ Easy and Fun Creative Nature Walks!

What I love about this ebook is that each of the 100 creative nature walk ideas are simple and fun. They are perfect for preschool or elementary age. You can do a different type of nature walk every time you go outside!

Some examples are to look for particular colors, to count things, to dig, or to look only below the knees. I was so inspired that my 2 girls and I headed out.

Our Nature Walk:

Here are some pictures from one of the nature walks I did with my preschooler and 7-year-old daughters at the pond near our house.

100+ Easy and Fun Creative Nature Walks

My older daughter loved this weeping willow tree and said she’d love to have one at her house when she grows up.

100+ Easy and Fun Creative Nature Walks

We saw dragonflies and hear bull frogs. They saw how the water was overflowed onto the grass and tried to find tadpoles.

100+ Easy and Fun Creative Nature Walks

Here is a snail they found.

100+ Easy and Fun Creative Nature Walks

Our Journey Westward:

Cindy West has a wide variety of science and math resources to help you in your homeschool.

Take a look at:

  • Autumn NaturExplorers Bundle (Delightful Deciduous Trees, Fruits and Nuts, Coping with the Cold)
  • Loving Living Math
  • Animal Bundle
  • Holiday Bundle
  • Much More!

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(Disclosure: I received a copy of 100+ Easy and Fun Creative Nature Walks in order to review it here. This post also contains affiliate links.)

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