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Book Review: “Risk” by Brock Eastman


The boys had been waiting and waiting, and finally it came:  Risk: Quest for Truth, Book 2
 by Brock Eastman.  We had read Taken (see my review here), the first book in the The Quest for Truth series of five books last February, and were anxious to find out what the Wikk kids were up to now.

The stories are set in the future and take us traveling from planet to planet as the Wikk siblings are searching for their kidnapped archaeologist parents.  Why were they kidnapped?  They had discovered some clues that would lead people to learn about how to gain eternal life.  And the “bad guys” want this power, so they and the kids are searching for the clues.  Christianity seems to be unknown in this time period, but as the second book progressed with exciting adventures, there were more clues that I believe will eventually lead the Wikks to discover the Truth.

Risk is categorized as “youth fiction.”  It was perfect for my 10 and 11-year-old boys.  (I enjoyed it, too!)  But I would think it would be great for all tweens and teens.  It’s a Christian book, published by P & R Publishing and Focus on the Family, but isn’t overtly so.  Therefore, many other kids would love these futuristic adventure stories as well.  For more information, see The Quest for Truth book website.

The promo video:

Taken: Quest for Truth, Book 1
is free on Kindle in August 2015, so pick it up now!

(Thank  you to the publishers for sending me a free copy to review.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.  Affiliate links are used on this post.)

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  1. How funny…. I JUST put Taken on my son’s Christmas list last night for the grandparents!

  2. Lissette Guzman says:

    Hi Gena,
    Thanks for letting us know about great books our children can enjoy. Book sounds interesting. My older girls would love it, especially Shylah.
    It’s her birthday Nov 5, that would be a great gift 🙂

    Pray you and the family are doing well.


  3. Christina Fischer says:

    My oldest son has been looking for new books to read. This one sounds great for him!

  4. Bukowski Family says:

    This sounds like a great book and book series to check out. Thanks for the review and offering this giveaway.

  5. Lissette Guzman says:


    I’m going to try again. I hope I’m doing it right.

    +1 Do It!

  6. Hi Gena,
    Saw your post on the homeschool loop so made my way to your blog to enter to win the book!

  7. Gena,
    A fiction series with a “Light” sounds perfect for Ella and even possibly for Dominic. Thank-you for cluing me in!

  8. sounds like it might be a good fit for my recent 11 year old–

  9. Awesome Contest! These books look really interesting….

  10. Thanks for hosting the giveaway and for your thoughtful review. Thanks to your readers for checking it out. And Mama J, signed copies of Taken are on my website for you to get. I love personalizing!

  11. interested in the book… haven’t seen it before! :0)

  12. I’m sure Toby would love a new book! Miss you so much

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