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Why I Blog When I Have 8 Kids

Clay 017

I have been asked numerous times in the last few weeks how do I possibly have time to blog?  Well, I guess I really don’t.  Taking care of my husband, 8 children (including homeschooling them), and my home is extremely time-consuming!  But I make time for it because it is so important to me in so many ways.  At Kelly’s Korner today the theme is “Remembering You (taking care of yourself and keeping your identity)”.  One way I “remember me” is to Blog!

It is a form of expression that I really enjoy (obviously, since I’ve been going non-stop for over 7 years!).  I love to share about my family and the wonderful things we’re doing in our homeschool and life in general.  (Just remember that I’m only sharing the good things.  You don’t see everything!  🙂 ). I love to encourage others in their walk as a believer, a homeschooler, a wife, a woman.  I want to chronicle my kids’ years.  There already are older posts that I look at and had forgotten we had done those things!  I want it here so I don’t forget.  And it’s a great way to share with the grandparents and others who love my family but don’t get to see us often.

I especially hope that I can encourage others to love Jesus as I love Him.  Romans 8:31-32 says,  “If God is for us, who can be against us?  He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all—how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?”

There are a few fringe benefits in blogging as well.  I have made online blogging friends.  My family receives free books, curriculum, and products to review.  And I’ve even made a little money blogging.

I’m not spending hours and hours a day doing this.  (You can probably tell from the “plainness” of my website and the simplicity of my writing.)  But it’s still an outlet for me, a way to remember myself and keep my identity as a creative person.  So, that’s why I blog even though I have 8 kids!

I’d love to connect with you on my Facebook page!

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  1. Here from the link up – I really enjoyed this! And now I’m really anxious to learn what your everyday life is like – wow!

  2. What a wonderful attitude you have about blogging as a way to document your families adventures! I feel the same way, its something just for me but also a way to connect with others; a win-win!

  3. love this. your family is beautiful. and i’m so glad you blog. they will be so grateful too!

  4. This rang so true for me as I read your words today! Do I always have the time, or mental energy to write? No, but it is a wonderful creative outlet and keeps me connected with other moms while maintaining my identity. Have a wonderful day 🙂

    xo, Tanya

  5. I know what you mean – I only have one kid presently and even then it seems like it’s hard to find time to blog. But it really is my outlet too. I majored in political science and writing when I was in college and to go from doing all that academic work to less brain exercising tasks was really hard on me. Blogging is my outlet too.

    Found your blog via Motivated Moms and now you’re in my feed reader! I’ve really liked what I’ve seen so far.

  6. Even though my blogging has slowed way down since I started (also seven year ago), I keep it going for many of the same reasons you listed. I’m especially glad to have a family chronicle! And I love the outlet for me, for writing, when I can find time. I have found it much harder with my kids being older and staying up as late as I do now!


  7. Love that you find “me time” in the midst of raising 8 children and home schooling them. I think you’re doing a fantastic job!! So impressive! Thanks for linking up and for sharing your heart!

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