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Tips and Resources for Homeschooling with Toddlers and Preschoolers in the Home

A number of years ago I had the wonderful opportunity of presenting “Homeschooling With Toddlers” at a local library’s homeschool support group.  I am happy to share my notes here in the hope that it will help others and give links to much more information than I was able to present there.

Homeschooling with toddlers is not easy!  It’s frustrating and tiring to continually have interruptions and chaos and noise while you’re trying to homeschool.  But, it’s a good life, and it can work and work well.  Here are some of my best ideas and resources that have helped me homeschool the first 13 years–when I continually had toddlers in the home!

Tips and Resources for Homeschooling with Toddlers and Preschoolers in the Home
Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through affiliate links in this post.

Homeschooling With Toddlers:

Hebrews 12:1-3

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for usLet us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

the 8 kids in blue number shirts

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Practical Tips for Homeschooling with Toddlers:

1. Don’t overdo it (just a few outside activities).  It was years before I felt able to join a co-op.

2. Have a daily Quiet Time with the Lord before the children wake up (or while you’re nursing, or read the Bible aloud, etc.).  It helps with sanity.  🙂  And I love the Unglued Devotional. 

3. Lower your expectations.  The house is going to be messy when you’re homeschooling with toddlers.  You probably won’t get to everything you’d like to each day.

4. Simplify house tasks (think once; write it down/make systems), grocery shop only once a week, use or

5.  Consistent discipline system.  Start early.  Have appropriate rules and consequences. Here are some calming strategies for kids that you might find helpful.

6.  Don’t let toddlers get tired or hungry.  Have regular naptimes, bedtimes, and mealtimes.

Z with mascara all over face

See Our Life in Action:

A Day in Our Life 3/7/2008

A Day in Our Life 8/8/2006

Discipline Focus on your relationship first—not just “behavior modification” to get the child to do what you want. For disciplining children, look at products such as For Instruction in Righteousness, Brother Offended Chart, If-Then Chart, and Blessing Chart.

Teach them about God: I love using Leading Little Ones to God and The Jesus Storybook Bible, as well as the Bible.

Memorize Scripture with them:  With my preschoolers, we memorized a shortened verse from each book of the Old Testament.

Kinderbach, Precious Moments, Veggie Tales 030

Naptime Reading Routine:

Use picture books to teach about animals, colors, letters, numbers, sounds, etc. Some of my favorites are Goodnight Moon (Margaret Wise Brown), Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear (ill. Michael Hague), Inside Outside Upside Down (Stan and Jan Berenstain), I Love You As Much. . .  (Laura Krauss Melmed), The Veggiecational Book (Phil Vischer), In the Ocean (Maurice Pledger), Good Night, Sweet Butterflies (Dawn Bentley), Chicka Chicka Boom Boom (Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault), Blue Hat, Green Hat (Sandra Boynton), Dr. Seuss’s ABC Book (Dr. Seuss), My ABC of God Loves Me (Fiona Boon)

Educational Ideas:

“Ten things to do before age 10”  from the Bluedorns — great guideline to follow when planning your homeschool year.

Best Toys to Have: Trains, Zoobs, Dollhouse, Duplos, Kitchen, Gears, Dress-up.  Have these in separate boxes that you only take out during school time.

Z with mascara all over face

Table-time Activities: Play foam, puzzles, Wiki Sticks, Playdough

Hands-On Activities:  For Science (Janice VanCleave), Arts and Crafts (The Little Hands Art Book by Judy Press), Sensory Boxes, Cooking. Try the Preschool Block Challenge.

Join a Co-op Group: To Make Preschool Activities in a Bag or Quiet Book pages

Z doing Quiet Book

Puzzle organizing tip: Label the backs of each piece and its corresponding box with a specific letter or number.

Nature Study: Nature Walks (park, forest preserve). Find different colors, shapes, textures, animals, etc.

For Babies 0 – 12 months: Try these infant development activities.

Musical Environment for Homeschooling with Toddlers

1.  Expose kids to a musical environment at an early age to help them be musical later on.

2.  Provide variety in rhythms, harmonies, instrumentation, and style.

3.  Provide your children with examples of beautiful, excellent, on-pitch singing which will help them sing beautifully and on pitch themselves one day!

4.  It’s important to help children increase readiness for audiation, the ability to hear the music and beat in one’s mind when no music is played.

5.  We want our young children to form as many neural pathways and connections as possible in their rapidly growing brains.  This is one reason why musical children typically do better at learning in many other areas of life.

Ways to “Teach” Music Sing, Listen to Classical Music, Dance, Play Simple Rhythm Instruments, and Play Singing Games

Sing Great Christian Songs: Amazing Grace, This Little Light of Mine, Victory in Jesus, Oh How He Loves You and Me, I’ll Fly Away, How Great Thou Art, Because He Lives, He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands, Just a Closer Walk With Thee, You Are My Hiding Place, This is My Father’s World, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, I Have Decided to Follow Jesus, Be Thou My Vision, Jesus Loves Me, God is So Good, How Great Thou Art, Oh, How I Love Jesus, Holy, Holy, Holy and Trust and Obey.

Online Course ideas: 10 Songs All Preschoolers Should Learn:

10 Songs All Preschoolers Should Know is the perfect online course to bring some music into your homeschool or preschool! #homeschoolmusic #preschoolmusic #musicinourhomeschool

Or, KinderBach

KinderBach piano and music theory for ages 3-7.

Or, Singing Made Easy Level 1 for ages 3 and up!

Singing Made Easy Level 1 -- online singing lessons for all ages.

Watch My Video of Tips Here

Get Out of the House

Find educational FREE things to do: Check your library, Free museum dates (Shedd Aquarium, Museum of Science and Industry, Field Museum)

Chicagoland Field Trip Collage

Field Trips we’ve enjoyed: Kohl Children’s Museum, Botanic Gardens, Milwaukee Zoo, Lake County Discovery Museum, fire station, police station

“No TV” Ideas for Homeschooling with Toddlers

Use Audio Teaching:  Adventure Bible Storybook on CD, Books on CD from the library, many older stories are free online (Beatrix Potter), podcasts, for music and composer stories

Videos for Toddlers: ABC Say it With Me Bible Memory Verses, Signing Time, Hermie and Friends, Leap Frog videos (Letter Factory)

No TV: Turn off the TV!  Only have it on in the late afternoon or evening.  Only 30 minutes a day of an educational video.  Movies only on weekend nights.

Toddler Ideas Websites: Homeschoolshare and Homeschoolhelperonline

8 kids on picnic quilt

Books Mom should read:

For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer MacCauley

A Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola

A Pocketful of Pinecones by Karen Andreola

Homeschooling With a Meek and Quiet Spirit by Maxwell

Managers of Their Homes by Maxwell

Managers of Their Chores by Maxwell

Check out: chores for kids


Don’t Expect “Easy” When Homeschooling with Toddlers

Proverbs 31:27-28  She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.  Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. Colossians 3:23-24  Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.  It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

It Ends Too Soon:  Song for a Fifth Child poem (aka Babies Don’t Keep) by Ruth Hulbert Hamilton

Z at school desk as toddler

Ways to Homeschool Older Kids When You Have Toddlers

1. Do “Circle Time” to keep the family together. (Idea from Kendra at Preschoolers and Peace.) After you put the baby down for a morning nap or afternoon nap, get all the kids together for group teaching.

2. Unit Studies Pick a subject and work on it with the whole family for a whole month. Read library books; work on lapbooks/notebooks; science experiments; history projects; music and art projects.  Suggestions of topics: Art Appreciation, Oceans, Desert animals, Rainforest, Great Britain, Healthy Eating, Bees

3. Use less teacher-intensive curricula for some subjects: I recommend and have used both Math-U-See which has the math taught on DVD and Teaching Textbooks, which is available through an app.

4. Keep those Toddler Naptimes! Do the hardest work (most teacher-intensive) during naptime or teach the preschoolers to read or play quietly in their rooms.  Use audio learning.

5. Teach older kids to be independent as soon as they can: Write the next lessons on their assignment sheet or planner. Check their answers in the teacher book. Make decisions on which curriculum they’d like to use.

6. Utilize Charts/Assignment Sheets Use Homeschooling Assignment Sheets and Chore Charts.  Or a check-off list of what you did each day.

7. Have a Child-Safe Home Make your home as child-safe as possible so you don’t have to watch them every moment.  Try to have a playroom or basement that they can go play in while you work with older kids.  Have a fenced-in backyard.

8. Save “Formal” Math for 3rd or even 4th grade. In the earlier years, just let them learn math through real life—in the kitchen, cooking, and games.  [Update: My two oldest boys are graduating from college in two months, one of them with a degree in mechanical engineering. My third child started college this year, too]

9. Hire Help someone to come over to help watch the little one(s) while you work with the older kids.  Junior High or High School girl.  Or pay a college student?  I did this for one year and had a young lady come over from 9-12 every day to help teach my preschoolers so I could focus those hours on my older children.

10. Utilize Audio Learning:  Books on CD (Little House on the Prairie and Chronicles of Narnia), Jonathan Park, Brinkman Adventures, Jim Hodges audio books, Jim Weiss.   Many of these can be found in the library.


Pray Without Ceasing.  Pray for Wisdom.

Expect Interruptions from your toddlers.

Lower Your Expectations on things that don’t matter as much (perfectly clean or decorated house, gourmet meals)

Choose to be Grateful and Choose to be Joyful!

Press On

Philippians 3:13-15 Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you.

Nebraska,Colorado Vacation 195

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Early Childhood Resources Giveaway:

Would you like to try out some new resources to help you with homeschooling toddlers and preschoolers? If you’re preparing or in the middle of the early learning years, you might be looking for some wonderful learning materials to inspire and encourage learning in your kids. If so, then this giveaway is for you!

Many thanks to these amazing bloggers and brands who love supporting the homeschool community! We’re blessed to be able to give back to homeschool families.

Check out this AMAZING Prize package!

Gnome Counting Books Bundle from In All You Do – These counting books will help your child learn counting to twenty, recognizing numbers and number words, recognize sets under ten, and writing the numbers 1 – 10 through a variety of themed pages. With this bundle, you’ll have fun counting practice pages for holidays and celebrations throughout the year!
Reading Better Together Learn to Read Curriculum from Homeschooling 4 Him – Teach your child how to read while inspiring them to love reading for a lifetime with the Reading Better Together Curriculum. This curriculum features scripted, science backed lessons that tell you exactly what to say while teaching your child to read, and exciting books that you and your child can read together starting in week 2. You will also receive lifetime access to our support community so you can ask questions and get support throughout your child’s reading journey.
10 Songs All Preschoolers Should Know online course from Music in Our Homeschool – “10 Songs All Preschoolers Should Know” is for moms of preschoolers who are struggling to find the “good old songs” perfect for 2- to 5-year-olds. This course brings it all to you in the easiest manner possible! Your younger kids will sing and enjoy the songs right along with you and will enjoy the “musical” printables that will help with fine motor skills such as coloring and cutting.
Rabbit Trails through Literature: Preschool from Rabbit Trails Homeschool – Go down the Rabbit Trails in your home by reading great books to your preschooler with Rabbit Trails through Literature! This preschool curriculum will get your little one hands on and excited to learn, beginning a lifelong love of learning.
Alphabet Fine Motor Bundle from Simple Living. Creative Learning – The mats and cards in this Alphabet Themed Fine Motor Bundle are great for working on fine motor skills which is an important skill for kids in preschool and kindergarten. They will enjoy learning to control their hand, fingers and thumb movements which they will need throughout their life.
Community Helpers Bundle from Homeschool Helper Online – Your preschool, kindergarten, and early elementary students will learn about many different workers in their community through two weeks of lessons, hands-on activities, books, and videos. This 120-page bundle contains: The 2-week multi-subject unit study, Emergency 911 pack, Me on the Map pack, Community Helpers Copy & Color pack, Community Helpers Hats pack, and “When I’m Grown Up” emergent literacy book.
Storytime Lessons Bundle from Hope In The Chaos – Show your child just how powerful their favorite stories can be with Storytime Lessons! Together, you are going to harness the power of classic tales and add in engaging lessons created with your child in mind. Each edition of StoryTime Lessons is built around a classic children’s book and uses the text to help teach and reinforce foundational skills including reading, writing, and the love of a great story. Containing the first 2 editions in the series, you are going to love how simple learning with Storytime Lessons can be.
Junior Scientist Science Study: Human Body from Living Life and Learning – Your young learner will love learning about their own body. And with the Human Body Activities for Early Learners, you can help them do just that. With lapbook pieces, tracing and writing, puzzles, matching cards and fun diagrams, your little one will have fun learning about all the systems of the body.
Lacing Card Bundle from Special Needs Homeschooling – Download this bundle of lacing cards to print and laminate. Help your child work on fine motor skills as well as visual and spatial discrimination.

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