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2017-2018 Homeschool Curriculum Choices for Kindergarten Thru High School

This year my youngest child enters kindergarten! I can’t believe after parenting and homeschooling 16 years, I won’t have a preschooler anymore. 🙂 I’m really excited about our plans for the year. We are settled in our new home, and I’m ready to hit the ground running come August 21. See below for our 2017-2018 Homeschool Curriculum Choices for Kindergarten Thru High School.

2017-2018 Homeschool Curriculum Choices for Kindergarten Thru High School. History, Math, Music, Science, Literature, Grammar, Writing, and more!

Homeschool Curriculum Choices

Homeschool Curriculum Choices for Kindergarten thru High School

J (10th/11th grade):

(See more details at my post on Preparing to Homeschool Ninth Grade- Our Curriculum Choices.)

Homeschool Curriculum Choices for Kindergarten thru High School

M (8th grade):

Homeschool Curriculum Choices for Kindergarten thru High School

R (6th grade):

Homeschool Curriculum Choices for Kindergarten thru High School

T (5th grade):

2017-2018 Homeschool Curriculum Choices for Kindergarten thru High School.

L (4th grade):

Our Journey Westward
Homeschool Curriculum choices for Kindergarten thru High School

I (1st Grade):

Homeschool Curriculum Choices for Kindergarten thru High School

E (Kindergarten):

Other Activities for various kids throughout the year:

  • Swim Lessons E, I, and L
  • Basketball and Track for J
  • Cross Country and Track for M
  • TeenPact for M and J
  • Worldview Academy for M, J, and B (my oldest son)
  • Speech tournament for T, R, and M
  • Piano recitals J, M, R, T,  L, I, E
  • Piano competition, festival, and theory exam for J, M, and T
  • Violin recital for M, T, L, and I
  • Geography Bee for T?
  • Robotics or other engineering class for T?
Teaching With Nursery Rhymes 100-page Pack, part of my kindergarten curriculum this year

Our Homeschool Schedule:

  • 6:00 Mom gets up, Quiet Time, shower, exercise
  • 6:50 Take high school son to school
  • 7:15 Kids up, get ready, eat breakfast, morning chores
  • 8:00-9:00 Kids start individual work and instrument practice
  • 9:00-10:00 Couch Time for elementary kids (Choose from Bible, Writing/Grammar, Literature, Memory Work, History, Science, Spanish, Music Appreciation, ICC practice speeches. Not every subject every day!)
  • 10:00-11:30 Reading and Spelling lessons with R (has dyslexia and needs extra one-on-one time) and phonics lessons with I and E. Thirty minutes with each student. Other kids do individual work and instrument practice.
  • 11:30-12:30 Lunch Break and lunch chores (Mom does emails, phone calls, bills)
  • 12:30-1:30 Get high school son to school. Help kids with/check individual work.
  • 1:30-4:30 Mom’s computer work time (blogging, product creation). Older kids continue school-work until finished.
  • 4:30-5:30 Afternoon chores and dinner prep
  • 5:30 Dinner and dinner chores
New Testament Activity Pack from Homeschool in the Woods, part of our Bible curriculum in our homeschool this year, from I Choose Joy1

Changes to schedule:

  • Monday: ICC every other week 1:00-3:00
  • Tuesday: Piano lessons in the morning for T, M, and J. Tutoring for R 1:00-2:00
  • Wednesday: Tapestry co-op from 9:30-12:30,
  • Thursday: Violin lessons from 9:30-12:00, Tutoring for R 1:00-2:00, Cross Country for M at 4:30, Christian Youth Theater at 4:45 and 7:00.
  • Friday: M’s Physical Science class at 10:30, Piano from 1:00-2:30 for E, I, and L.
Join the Music in Our Homeschool Plus music and fine arts membership experience for preschool through high school!


  1. Katherine C says:

    We’ve always been homeschooling since doing preschool with my oldest!

  2. Abigail Moletti says:

    I love reading what other homeschoolers are using. Thanks for sharing!

  3. We’ve been homeschooling for 21 years and looking forward to 13 more years with our 5 year old.

  4. Danielle Hull says:

    We have been homeschooling for over 20 years!

  5. Andrea Jones says:

    Looks like some great choices for your school year. I am going to check out a few you listed. Thanks for the giveaway.

  6. We’ve been homeschooling for 10 years 🙂

  7. Marilyn D. says:

    I’m down to just one after 12 years of home school. Now it’s me and my youngest heading into hight school. He has multiple learning disabilities, including severe dyslexia. Several of your selections are interesting and I look forward to exploring them more. He wants to be a geologist, so we have much work ahead of us.

  8. Marilyn D. says:

    I am looking forward to exploring some of your curriculum choices, as I am down to just one after 12 years of home schooling. My youngest, heading into 9th grade, struggles with multiple learning disabilities, including dyslexia. He wants to pursue science, specifically geology, so we have much work ahead of us.

  9. Homeschooling since my oldest was in preschool – 6 years, 4 of them overseas. I’ve got 5 children, so many more years to go!

  10. This is our third year homeschooling.

  11. We are beginning our 27th year of homeschooling!
    I’m excited about your giveaway – we’ve used these resources many times over the years and the winner will most definitely be blessed 🙂 Thank you!

  12. Karyn Ashley-Smith says:

    We are starting our 3rd year…. but our first full fledged, all in year. (Reading about Norway always makes me wonder if I started too early!)

  13. Karyn Ashley-Smith says:

    We are starting our 3rd year…. but our first full fledged, all in year. (Reading about Norway always makes me wonder if I started too early!)

    Your schedule looks so……. finished 😀 I’m feeling overwhelmed!!!

  14. Christina O says:

    This is out 10th year homeschooling!

  15. Susan Grant says:

    Thank you for the opportunity to join.

  16. Lori Vissers says:

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  17. This will be our 7th year homeschooling!

  18. Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  19. We have been homeschooling 25 years and have 7 more to go!! Thank you!!

  20. Victoria W, says:

    We just started this week as a second generation homeschool family 🙂

  21. Stephanie says:

    We’ve only been homeschooling for three years. We pulled our older two out of public school after 3rd grade.

  22. REBECCA KAYSER says:

    We have been homeschooling for 5 years now!

  23. Thanks for sharing! I’m always interested in seeing what other homeschool families do and to get fresh ideas!

  24. Christine Herring says:

    I have been homeschooling for 7 years now!

  25. We have homeschooled for 5 years, now. Our older daughter just graduated!

  26. Saralyn Davis says:

    We have been homeschooling for 6 years!

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