2018-2019 Homeschool Curriculum Choices for 1st-12th Grades
Are you ready for another homeschool year? I am! I will be entering our 13th year of homeschooling. My two oldest sons are seniors this year, so in addition to the regular homeschooling, we’ll also be finishing up college visits, taking SAT and ACT tests, applying to colleges, seeking scholarships, writing numerous essays, and doing the annual FAFSA for the first time. Check out our 2018-2019 Homeschool Curriculum Choices for 1st-12th Grades, and if you have any questions about any particular homeschool curriculum, please be sure to let me know!

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Background about our Homeschool Curriculum and Co-op
Just to give you a little more background before reading all that we use:
We attend a homeschool Co-op all day on Wednesdays. Its main focus is to provide activities for the younger kids and discussion groups for the older kids based on the Tapestry of Grace history and literature curriculum. This year we are in Year 4, the 20th Century.
Our Co-op has decided to add many more classes this year, so much of our curriculum has been dictated by them. The kids will meet on Wednesdays, but we’ll do the vast majority of the work at home in science, Latin, and writing. Some extra classes are provided there as well, such as P.E., music, art, and newspaper/yearbook. It’s going to be a very busy year for use, but I’m excited about all we’re doing!
Group Morning Time
Except for the middle school and high school students, the kids don’t do every subject every day. I have group morning time with my elementary kids where we work on the following subjects together as a group (but, again, not every subject every day): Bible, literature, history, read-alouds, science, grammar, art appreciation, and music appreciation.
Update: Now that school is wrapping up for the year, I have updated following with what we actually did.
Homeschool Curriculum choices for J ~ 12th Grade
Economics and Personal Finance for High School: Simply Put: A Study in Economics. (semester 1, 1/2 credit)
Health: Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition from Apologia (all year, 1/2 credit)
English: Honors Composition 101 at Community College (semester 1, 3-hour college class. He did half of this class before he dropped it.) Write at Home composition class during semester 2.
Math: Pre-calculus at Community College (semester 1, 5-hour class, full high school credit) and Calculus 1 (semester 2, 5-hour class, full credit)
Science: Chemistry (semester 2, 5-hour class, full credit) at the community college
Elective: Advanced Applied Graphic Design with Entrepreunialship (all year, 1/2 credit). (I will go into detail about this course in a future post.)
Other: playing drums for worship team, backstage for CYT shows, working at Dog N Suds restaurant, photography and graphic design online work, applying to colleges.
Homeschool Curriculum choices for M ~ 9th Grade
Economics and Personal Finance for High School: Simply Put: A Study in Economics (one semester, 1/2 credit)
English: Literature at Tapestry of Grace Co-op and Writing/Public Speaking at Co-op.
History and Geography: 20th Century at Tapestry of Grace Co-op
Physical Education: P.E. at co-op and dance at CYT Chicago
Science: Exploring Creation with Advanced Biology: The Human Body from Apologia (Anatomy and Physiology)
Foreign Language: Spanish with Middlebury Online
Math: Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1
Theater Arts: with CYT Chicago
Music: Piano lessons, theory with competitions and recital
Homeschool Curriculum choices for R ~ 7th grade
Language Arts: 20th C. Literature at Tapestry of Grace Co-op, Dyslexia Tutoring at Road to Learning, Typing/Spelling/Reading: TTRS (Touch Type Read and Spell), Yearbook and newspaper at Co-op.
History and Geography: 20th Century at Tapestry of Grace Co-op
Bible: Bible Prophecy for Kids: Revelation 1-7 and Revelation 8-22.
Physical Education: P.E. at Co-op and dance at CYT Chicago
Science: Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology from Apologia at our Co-op
Math: Teaching Textbooks Math 7
Theater Arts: with CYT Chicago
Music: Voice Lessons and 20th Century Music Appreciation online course
Homeschool Curriculum choices for T ~ 6th Grade
Language Arts: Tapestry of Grace 20th C. literature and writing with IEW’s All Things Wise and Wonderful. Grammar with Grammar Galaxy, volume 3.
Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears
History and Geography: 20th Century at Tapestry of Grace Co-op
Bible: Bible Prophecy for Kids: Revelation 1-7 and Revelation 8-22.
Latin: Latina Christiana at Co-op
Science: The Good and Beautiful Human Body part 1 and Kingdoms and Classification at Co-op
Math: Teaching Textbook Math 6
Art: 20th Century artists and styles with projects at co-op
Music: 20th Century Music Appreciation online course, piano and cello lessons, and at Co-op.
Economics: Choosing from Capitalism for Kids, Whatever Happened to Penny Candy, Fifty NiftyEconomics Terms game cards, Common Sense Business for Kids, and picture books from this site
Theater: with CYT Chicago
Coding: On his own with various programs
Homeschool Curriculum choices for L ~ 5th Grade
Language Arts: Tapestry of Grace 20th C. literature and writing with IEW’s All Things Wise and Wonderful. Grammar with Grammar Galaxy, volume 3.
Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears
History and Geography: 20th Century at Tapestry of Grace Co-op
Latin: Latina Christiana at Co-op
Music: 20th Century Music Appreciation online course, piano and violin lessons, and at Co-op.
Science: The Good and Beautiful Human Body part 1 and Kingdoms and Classification at Co-op
Math: Teaching Textbooks Math 5
Theater: with CYT Chicago
Art: 20th Century artists and styles with projects at co-op
Economics: Choosing from Capitalism for Kids, Whatever Happened to Penny Candy, Fifty NiftyEconomics Terms game cards, Common Sense Business for Kids, and picture books from this site
Homeschool Curriculum choices for I ~ 3rd Grade
Language Arts: Tapestry of Grace 20th C. literature and Grammar Galaxy, volume 1, How to Write a Sentence, and How to Write a Paragraph.
Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears
History and Geography: 20th Century at Tapestry of Grace Co-op
Latin: Song School Latin 1 and at C0-op
Music: 20th Century Music Appreciation online course, piano lessons, and at Co-op
Science: The Good and Beautiful Human Body part 1 and Kingdoms and Classification at Co-op
Math: Teaching Textbooks Math 3
Art: 20th Century artists and styles with projects at co-op
Economics: Choosing from Capitalism for Kids, Whatever Happened to Penny Candy, Fifty NiftyEconomics Terms game cards, Common Sense Business for Kids, and picture books from this site
Theater: with CYT Chicago
Homeschool Curriculum choices for E ~ 1st Grade
Language Arts: Alpha-Phonics for reading practice, Tapestry of Grace 20th C. literature and Grammar Galaxy volume 1, How to Write a Sentence, and How to Write a Paragraph.
Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears
History and Geography: 20th Century at Tapestry of Grace Co-op
Latin: Song School Latin 1 and at C0-op
Science: The Good and Beautiful Human Body part 1 and Kingdoms and Classification at Co-op
Music: 20th Century Music Appreciation online course, piano lessons, and at Co-op
Art: 20th Century artists and styles with projects at co-op
Economics: Choosing from Capitalism for Kids, Whatever Happened to Penny Candy, Fifty NiftyEconomics Terms game cards, Common Sense Business for Kids, and picture books from this site
Theater: with CYT Chicago
By the way, my oldest son is at the public school for his senior year. Read “Help! My Child No Longer Wants to be Homeschooled” here.
What are your Homeschool Curriculum Choices for 1st-12th Grades? Please tell me in a comment below.
Homeschool Verses to Print:
For Mom I chose James 1:19-20 ” Be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” Can you take a guess why I picked that verse for myself? 🙂
And for the kids, I chose Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Thank you for sharing, it’s always interesting to see how other families put their years together. I found your inclusion of economics for your sixth grader interesting, will likely be looking at your resources a little more closely, thank you again.
Love this site!
I loved seeing what your high schoolers are doing since my last two are in high school. I also am very interested in learning more about the Apologia Health curriculum.
I loved looking through your 2018-2019 curriculum choices. Great giveaway, it would be such a blessing to win.
I also enjoyed seeing the focus you are putting on economics and will look at those resources.
I enjoy being able to look ahead and see what others are doing who have older kids than I do. Thanks for sharing!
I love how organized you are with your homeschool curriculum.
Thank you! It does take a lot of planning. 🙂
Hi, thanks for sharing! Did your son that went to public school decide to homeschool again? I am curious because I have an 8th grader that was in public school through 5th grade that at one point considered going back to PS for high school. It’s helpful to hear others experiences with this. Thanks!
Hi Amie. 🙂 No, my son didn’t go back to homeschooling. He was homeschooled through 9th grade, and has been in a public high school for 3 years. He graduates this spring. My second and third children are also in high school this year, but are homeschooling, although the older one is mostly at the community college. He will also be graduating this spring and heading off to college in the fall.