5 Days of Resources for New Year’s Resolutions: T-Tapp
Today’s resolution resource is for the quintessential New Year’s Resolution–exercise! Since the only exercise I like is T-Tapp, that’s what I’m sharing with you today.
One of the best exercises is OIP (Organs in Place) and Half-Frogs, which is on the DVD included with Teresa Tapp’s book Fit and Fabulous in Fifteen Minutes. It’s the T-Tapp secret to a flat stomach!
Awesome December special: 5 DVDs for $49.95: The Basic Plus and Step Away Set includes the 15-Minute Basic Workout Plus, the T-Tapp Seminar, Barefoot Basic, plus my 2 favorites–Basic Tempo and Step Away the Inches.
So, here are some of the reasons I like T-Tapp so much:
1. It works!
2. I can do it at home, with no equipment, and in only 4-square feet of space.
3. It’s aerobic without having to jump around.
4. It’s fast! The Basic Plus workout is only 15 minutes long, and you WILL loses inches with just doing that. It’s fast, but not easy. 🙂 I repeat the Flylady’s mantra to myself. “You can do anything for fifteen minutes–except whine!”
5. It’s rehabilitative and created to work with all body types and sizes, as well as those with all kinds of health challenges.
6. I don’t have to exercise daily to continue to lose inches.
7. There are great sales on T-Tapp products. Follow my blog (email, RSS, FB, Twitter–see sidebar/footer) and I’ll let you know about them!
8. I can do it in my regular clothes. I wear cross trainers all day long (due to the Flylady’s advice to wear shoes that tie and because it helps with my plantar fasciitis), so it’s quick and easy to just stop what I’m doing and start exercising!
9. It’s also easy to do on vacation. I’ve put several workouts on my iPad, so I can just exercise in my room! (I do this at home, too.)
10. I hate exercising-but I love T-Tapp!
New: #11 Now, they have T-Tapp Digital so I can stream some of the workouts from anywhere!
**See my other T-Tapp posts in the category tab for more information about this wonderful exercise program. Or feel free to leave a comment with your questions!
(Disclosure: this post contains affiliate links)