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5 Days of Resources for New Year’s Resolutions: Motivated Moms Planner

Motivated Moms planner

We’ve made it to the fifth day of our “5 Days of Resources for New Year’s Resolutions.”  Be sure to check out some of my other favorite resources in the past 4 posts.

Today’s resolution is about our desire to have a clean and organized home.  Motivated Moms has made a great planner that tells us exactly what to do each day.  The tasks are in a check-off style and are very attainable for a busy woman to accomplish.  There’s a giveaway, so keep reading to the end!

Motivated Moms planner 002

The Motivated Moms planners  are also great because they include chores that you would never think about (or at least I never think about).  🙂
They have brand new versions of the planners in color, but the original black and white versions are still available.  Here is a cover I made for my 2013 planner:
Motivated Moms Planner
Be sure to check out the website to see free samples.

And now a giveaway!

Enter on the Rafflecopter app below to receive your choice of the 2014 Motivated Moms planner in e-book format or the IOS App! Winner will be chosen on January 7, 2014.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(Disclosure:  I received a copy of the 2014 Motivated Moms Half-Size Chore Planner with Scheduled Bible Reading {Color} in order to give this honest review.  I am also an affiliate of Motivated Moms and this post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. I like the 1/2 page with Bible readings, but really like the app too! I downloaded the lite version this week and love it!

  2. I think I would like the app for my iPad the best. 🙂

  3. I would love the app to use on my Kindle Fire.

  4. looking at the IPad app as it is with me all the time.

  5. Shannon Q says:

    Love the regular planner in black and white. One whole week on one page, in black and white. More economical 😉

  6. I would love to try the Kindle Fire ap.

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