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5 Ways to Stay Safe Playing Pokemon Go

5 Ways to Stay Safe Playing Pokemon Go

Can you believe how in only one week the new app Pokemon Go has taken the world by storm? Amazing! Yesterday, I had my two teen sons and two teen nephews in the car, and they were telling me all about it. One boy said that he had never run so much in his life as he did one day when he was playing it. I can certainly see a benefit to that–a video game that gets kids moving instead of sitting in the house sedentary!

However, along with the benefits of getting kids outside running around, there can be some dangers.

Here are 5 Ways to Stay Safe Playing Pokemon Go:

Bring and Drink Water-

If you are going to be outside in the hot summer weather, wear a backpack and take a couple of water bottles with you. If you’re like my nephew, you might end up exercising more than you expected because the game is encouraging you to run. If you exert yourself or stay out in the heat for a while you’ll need that water to prevent heat stroke.

Watch Where You Are Going-

Part of the game requires you to walk around looking down at your device. If you aren’t paying attention, you’ll run into poles or tree branches or even fall into ponds, fountains, or other bodies of water. Be aware of your surroundings at all times.

Be Cautious of Streets and Driveways-

You must be extra careful when you are any place cars can be, such as in a neighborhood or crossing the street. Don’t get so caught up in the game that you forget that cars might not see you. Stop and look both ways.

Go in a Group-

Unfortunately, because everyone has access to the app and can see where the PokeStops are, there may be bad people hanging out there. To be safe, don’t play alone. Go with at least one other friend or with an adult. Definitely don’t go out alone at night to get those “night only” Pokemon.

Tell your parents which direction you are going-

If you aren’t going with an adult, be sure to tell your parents which way you are going. I would even recommend the app Life360 so they can see where you are on their phone.

Don’t play while riding your bike-

I saw a kid doing this yesterday. You will run into something or someone. This is not safe at all!

Other tips:

Respect private property (don’t go into people’s yards, etc.) and places of worship or other places where it isn’t appropriate to play (a church or cemetery).

Please share in the comments if have have some more tips to Stay Safe Playing Pokemon Go.

(Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. I’ve heard so much about this game and just know my younger two boys would LOVE it… but I’m trying to hold off as long as I can. Good tips!

  2. We are having so much fun playing it as a family!

  3. Great tips Gena! It’s been so much fun playing the game and seeing so many other families in our community out playing together as well.

    1. Thanks, Leah. Your post on Pokemon Go was very helpful (!

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