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Holiday Special Gifts from Vistaprint


This holiday season, Vistaprint is your destination for inspired gifts for everyone on your list. Start by spreading cheer to family, friends and coworkers with customizable holiday cards to celebrate the season—and get them free! For a limited time, we’re giving our customers six free, customizable gifts that are sure to be the perfect stocking stuffers and holiday hits.

Choose from holiday cards, photo calendars, mugs, t-shirts, business cards, and tote bags, sticky notes, and small stamps all for free—just pay for shipping and processing! And as a bonus, you can also get sticky notes and small stamps for free! Watch with joy as Dad unwraps 250 specially-designed business cards for his new business endeavor. Reminisce over your favorite memories as you page through a 2013 wall calendar featuring all of your beloved photos from 2012. And most importantly, you can be proud that you put a thoughtful, personal touch on every gift under your tree.

This year, skip the same-old stocking stuffers and create something they’ll truly cherish. And pay, well, next to nothing.

Shipping Starting Price:
· Holiday Cards: starts at $5.23
· Desk/Wall Photo Calendar: $5.23
· Mug: $5.78
· T-Shirts: $5.99
· Business Cards: $5.99
· Tote Bag: $5.26
· Sticky Note: $4.77
· Stamp: $5.99



Watch your children’s eyes widen with excitement after seeing their name on their own red plush Vistaprint stocking hanging from your mantel. After all, children and adults alike are sure to love having this memorable holiday keepsake every holiday season. Christmas stockings are easy to customize, fun to show off, and always add the perfect personal element to gift giving.

Simply choose a name and font to begin creating a holiday gift that you’ll enjoy for years to come – and that’s as unique as you.

And for only $7.99 plus FREE shipping, now you can shop once and deliver cheer to everyone on your holiday list. Just one of the many reasons to shop at Vistaprint this season.


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