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Giveaway of The Well-Planned Day Wall Calendar 2014-2015!

HEDUA Wall Calendar 001 HEDUA Wall Calendar 002


I’m so excited to be able have a Giveaway of The Well-Planned Day Wall Calendar 2014-2015!  I have LOVED this calendar for the past year, and now have my new one up.  It goes from July-June of every year.  The boxes for each day are huge–so I can fit in everything I need to write there.  There is also a great quote each month, and lots of space at the bottom for notes.  Maybe someday I’ll switch to an electronic calendar, but for now, I just want my Well-Planned Day Wall Calendar!

Enter to win one through the Rafflecopter app below.

Also be sure to check out the

May Featured Item

The Busy Mom Bundle:

Bundle Includes:
 – 2014-2015 On the Go Planner
 – 2014-2015 Well Planned Day Wall Calendar
 – 1 Year Subscription to Home Educating Family Magazine
Just $35.63 (Save 30% off Retail when you Bundle!)
(Details about the giveaway: Winner will be chosen on May 17 and will have 24 hours to respond to my email. U.S. only, 18+)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(Disclosure:  I received a complimentary copy of the 2014-2015 Wall Calendar for this review.  I am also an affiliate of HEDUA, and this post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. Kathleen Parker says:

    I like the high school student planners.

  2. Michelle Habrych says:

    I like the Tech Style planner for my son. I also like the 4-year high school planner!

  3. The thing I LOVE about this calendar is how big the boxes are. I like to write my husbands work schedule on it as well as the kids appointments. I also love putting big circles round the days we have nothing planned:)

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