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A Night Out

Last Friday evening my husband and I had a night out.  We don’t go out very often because we need 2 babysitters to watch our kids!  There are two very sweet sisters who have been great with the kids and were able to watch them for us.



We went to a concert with First Call–the original members reunited– and Larnelle Harris.  I was so excited to see First Call.  They have always been one of my favorite groups.  I was highly influenced by them in high school and college.  I kept telling my husband at the concert, “I sang this song in church, too!”  It was so nice to see them back together.  They also had the two Tunney girls and Bonnie Keen’s son sing together–the new “First Call”!  Larnelle was fun to see, too.  What a voice!



When we got home, I found a note left by the younger sister about their evening with the children.  I thought I’d share it with you:



Mr. and Mrs. Mayo,


Hello!  Welcome home!  We hope you had a great night out.  I know we did.  After you left, we cleaned the kids up and they were ready to play.  After many games of knights, hide ‘n’ seek, tag and castle, Jessica went upstairs to put R. to bed at 6:50.  Then, we watched Madame Blueberry (who was a sad blueberry).  Jessica put M. to bed, and she was in bed by 7:45.  I took the boys upstairs while Jessica was taking care of M.  B. had us read a long book and then J. couldn’t find his puppy (TY) and went to sleep with a seal, so they didn’t get to bed until 8:10.  But at 8:45, J. came down crying because he didn’t have his puppy.  We looked and looked for it but couldn’t find it.  Finally, at 9:10, J. thought to look behind the TV armoire, where he had gone for hide ‘n’ seek, and we found his puppy!  J. was back to bed and sleeping at 9:15.



It was so fun to find this note!


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