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All About Reading–An introduction to our newest curriculum


We just received our newest reading curriculum in the mail:  All About Reading!   Today’s post will give you an introduction to this reading curriculum.  In the future I will be doing a number of posts to explain what we’re doing and how it’s going!

My fourth child is 8 and is a struggling reader.  It’s obvious that she has a different learning style than kids 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6.  They all responded (or are responding) well to my other reading curricula (TATRAS, Alpha-Phonics, Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons.)  However, R is different and those reading curricula have only gotten her so far.

When I started reading about “All About Reading” on other blogs last year I was intrigued.  I had heard Dianne Craft speak at a homeschool convention years ago, and this curricula was using things that Dianne suggested.  She said that some kids need color, music, pictures, tactile reinforcement, or the like in order to get the information to “stick” in the brain.  Once it sticks, it’s there.  But we need to do what’s needed to get it to stick.  The “black and white” style of reading worked great for the other kids, but not R.  So, I was thrilled that All About Learning Press was willing to send me Level 2 of All About Reading to try out with her and blog about!  (I had my daughter do the free  placement tests on the All About Reading website to figure out which level to get.)

So, step one was to take everything out of the box and get it organized!  My daughter was thrilled with what she saw and is excited to get started tomorrow!

The bag to store it all:

All About Reading 002


The box to store the phonogram and word cards:

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The readers (collections of short stories):

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The teacher’s manual and student packet:

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The phonogram and word cards:

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The student book of activities:

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Some of the items in the Deluxe Interactive Kit:

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The kids helped bend the cards on the perforations and separate them.  They’re numbered, so I put them in the box in order.

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The yellow phonogram cards are almost exactly like how I taught my first child to read using TATRAS (Teach America to Read and Spell.)  I simply showed him a phonogram like “or” and had him go over and over it again until he had it learned.  The CD-Rom that is in the All About Reading Interactive Kit is so neat in that it has all the phonograms on it.  The kids can click on it to hear it pronounced.  They are also separated into categories and different colors.  I knew that TATRAS was a good way to learn to read, so I am so happy that All About Reading is following the same strong phonics focus.  However, they’re doing it in a way that will work better for my daughter!

Be sure to follow my blog if you’re curious about this reading curriculum– I’ll be sharing posts every few weeks about it as we go through it!

Lesson #1 tomorrow!



(Disclosure:  I received the above materials in All About Reading Level 2, from the company All About Learning Press in order to write this honest review.  I am also an affiliate for All About Learning Press.)

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  1. Great intro to the curriculum! It’s like I was there with you, excitedly opening up the box =) My son was much like your other kids, easily picking it up with flashcards and practice. My daughter seems to be following the same way (though she is just starting). If I find that she hits a road block, I’ll definitely remember AAR!

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All About Spelling homeschool curriculum, now in color