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Geffen Baby products review

Today I’m happy to share a review with you about a company called Geffen Baby, which sells cloth diapers, washable wipes, nursing pads, and shirts for babies and toddlers.

They contacted me a while back to see if I would review their cloth diapers. Now, I’ve done a lot of things these past 13 years that I’ve been having babies. But I’ve never used cloth diapers! So, I decided to try out the other products they sell! 🙂 If you do cloth diaper, you need to check out the ones at Geffen Baby. They have improved fabrics by adding more hemp to the content, becoming the only fabric in the industry to have 60% Hemp and 40% Organic cotton. In doing so they created a performance fabric that is not only more durable, but also more absorbent! Just what you want for cloth diapering!

I tried out the nursing pads. I have breastfed for 10+ years, so I am pretty experienced with the different types of nursing pads out there. The Geffen Baby ones are sooooo soft! They’re also thin, which I loved. The only negative I could say about them is that they were a bit wrinkly after being washed and dried. But that’s the nature of cotton, and is easily taken care of by a few seconds with an iron.

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My 2-year-old son happily tried his new t-shirt with the cute giraffe on it! He’s wearing it right now as he plays. Again, the fabric (100% cotton) is soft, yet durable. I know this shirt will last him a while.  They also have adorable baby polo shirts!

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(Disclosure:  I received a complimentary package of Geffen Baby nursing pads and a toddler t-shirt in order to write this honest review.)

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