An Update
Here is a short update of the last week or so.
The sleep training is a success. I have been working to get my 4 month old to sleep in his crib. He had been sleeping in his carseat or my bed since he was born. I tried first with naptime, but he never would fall asleep in the crib. So, after a couple of days, I decided to try with the bedtime instead. It only took 3 nights and now he’ll sleep in there (from 8 p.m. until 3 a.m. or longer!) for bedtime and for his naps!
Today we went to an "Egypt Fair" put on by a homeschool co-op. In preparation for it we have been reading up on ancient Egypt for the last couple of weeks–emphasizing the biblical accounts of Joseph and Moses/the Exodus. Today at the fair they made some crafts (sand picture of the Sphinx, a Pharoah’s crook, heiroglyphics of their names, a collar, a Nile crocodile, a reed boat and frosting a pyramid chocolate cake!), ate some Egyptian food (grapes, figs, watermelon), and did an archaeological dig (in a shallow sandbox). It was perfect for the ages of my kids: 3, 4 and 6. They loved it! (The two babies did a pretty good job of just tagging along.)
I’ll post some pictures when I can.