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An Update

It’s been a while since I’ve written about our everyday life.  Maybe that’s because it seems so "everyday"!  But I suppose I can think of a few interesting things to say. 

A couple of weekends ago my husband took the older boys to a maple syrup hike.  They saw trees which were being tapped and the syrup being made.  It takes 30 maple trees to get 3 gallons of pure maple syrup.  That’s why it’s so expensive.  And they learned that the "dollar" syrup (which I use) is made of corn!

On Saint Patrick’s day, I made corned beef and cabbage with potatoes and Irish Soda Bread.  It was fun to make but it wasn’t my favorite meal to eat.  We also had green cupcakes for dessert!

Last weekend was beautiful!  The snow has finally all melted.  Yeah!  We have some yellow crocus blooming already in the backyard, and I’m going to start planning a garden.  I’m going to look into Square Foot Gardening.

Last week was my daughter’s birthday–2 years old.  And next week is my son’s–he’ll turn 5 years old.  My 2 yo is finally talking!  We went down by the pond today and she was talking about the ducks.  We got some more Signing Time dvds for her birthday.  Today she was talking and signing quite a bit!

On a sad note, a dear lady from our Small Group passed away last Saturday night. She’s been battling cancer for 10 years and has been going down in the last two years.  She was in her 80s.  It was a privilege to know her.  She was a wonderful pianist and could play any hymn in any key.  I wish I could do that!  She loved to sing in the choir but hasn’t had the strength to do it in the last year.  Praise the Lord that she is singing in heaven right now!

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  1. joyismystrength says:

    Just randomly found your blog and thought I should at least say "Hello". I understand your sentiments about everyday life. What we do seems so mundane that it rarely feels appropriate to share with others. However, that doesn't mean that it isn't valuable. Blessings on your home. Jan

  2. Enjoyed catching up on some of your posts! Your little one is growing so much, and what a cutie! : )

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