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How to Organize Puzzles

How to Organize Puzzles

How to Organize Puzzles:

The kids decided to put all their puzzles together, all at the same time! Eek! Can you imagine the mess of possible lost puzzle pieces? Well, I decided to make the most out of the situation.  While they were out, I wrote a code on the backs of each piece so that they can easily be put back in the right box or bag.

For example, the dinosaur puzzle was “A,” so with a Sharpie I wrote the letter “A” on the back of each piece. Now, whenever the pieces are scattered, we can turn them over and separate them easily!

Most of these puzzles were bought at garage sales or resale shops.


Now, for a few pictures of my cutie pies:
My sweet little guy is now 5 months old and is rolling around and almost pushing up on his hands and knees.  He sleeps in his own crib, but there is still a bit of sleep training to work on!

Spring is finally coming!  These are our tulip bulbs popping through.

Like father, like son.

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  1. jabbabean says:

    Hi Gena,

    Love the code idea with the puzzles! My olders lost so many puzzles. This should help Matthew keep his puzzles longer.

    T. is getting so big! What a cutie!

    Your kids look so happy! What a testimony for a mom!

    I didn't know that Michael played violin, too! How fun!

    Talk to you soon,


  2. He looks so grown up playing the violin! I just love it when children are able to play an instrument. I wanted to learn it when I was a child, but I was just terrible at it. 😮

  3. We have tulips poking through too but I’m SUPER worried they’ll die since winter isn’t over here in Northeast Ohio! Cute cute pictures!

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