April homeschooling plans
Here is what we’re working on this month:
History: Vikings (reading library books, crafts, food, lapbook).
Listen to Story of the World middle ages CDs in the car.
Music: violin lessons, Haydn composer study (read bios and listen to his music)
Science: Simple machines (library books, lapbook). Nature study (frogs, flowers, trees, bugs).
Biography: Abraham Lincoln (read Benge biography)
Field Trips: Shedd Aquarium, Naper Settlement, Brookfield Zoo, Frog program, Wildlife Nature Center
Math: games, place value, skip counting (multiplication)
Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears and copywork of Proverbs
Bible Time: Easter scripture and Proverbs
Read-Alouds: Missionary Stories With the Millers, Winter With the Moodys, Easter and spring poetry, biography of Abraham Lincoln, The Story of Rolf and the Viking Bow, On the Shores of Silver Lake, Proverbs, 2 Samuel, Acts