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Baking bread and Naper Settlement

I wanted to answer my friend Jennifer’s questions.  She asked if I had already started baking bread.  Well, I received my mill and mixer (and pans, yeast, etc.) in the mail a couple of weeks ago.  I asked her if I could go over to her house and watch her so I could learn how to do it.  But I read Marilyn Moll’s How to Bake Bread ebook and she said to just try it.  Don’t even wait until you have everything perfect, just start now.  So, I did!  I didn’t have any wheat yet, so I used a bag of whole wheat flour that I had in the pantry (that expired in July).  I thought it would be good to compare it the bread using freshly ground flour.  It did taste a bit rancid, but was still good, and my whole family (including the baby) loved the new bread.  For the next 2 bakings, my husband got me some wheat berries from Whole Foods.  This bread is even better!  It’s not rising very high, so I’ll have to get some advice on that.  But it’s fun and much easier than I expected.  You all should try it!

Naper Settlement does charge a fee.  I think it’s $8 for adults and $4.50 for children.  I had free coupons for the kids (from the summer library reading club).  It’s also cheaper in the fall and winter.   Here is the website:

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  1. Computerkid says:

    please comment on my blog

  2. TwaddleMeNot says:

    Hi Gena, thanks for your encouraging comment tonight! I thought I'd tell you that I couldn't get my bread to rise well until I switched to SAF instant yeast. I also put some lecithin in and that seems to help. I get my yeast online now, since I can't seem to find it in any local store, but I wouldn't bake without it. I'm still working on my bread, but I'm definitely hooked on SAF.


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