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11 Reasons Why Teaching Textbooks is the Best Math Curriculum for Us

The following post about why Teaching Textbooks is the Best Math Curriculum is a sponsored post from Teaching Textbooks. I received two online subscriptions and monetary compensation for my time in researching and writing this completely honest review and running the giveaway.

Teaching Textbooks is the Best Math Curriculum for Us!

When I first started homeschooling back in 2005, I’d have to say that one of the more fearful parts starting the adventure was knowing I’d have to teach math. Math is not my favorite subject. I’m not a natural, and, to tell the truth, I really don’t like it! So, I tried quite a few different math curricula to find that one that fits me and our family the best.  Here are 11 Reasons Why Teaching Textbooks 3.0 is the Best Math Curriculum for Us!

11 Reasons Why Teaching Textbooks 3.0 is the Best Math Curriculum for Us


It’s all online

We had been using Teaching Textbooks 2.0 (with the CD-Rom discs) for a few years. This past January we hit a snag when our computer stopped working. It got extremely glitchy, and I got extremely frustrated because I never knew if the kids could get their math done or not on any particular day.

Finally, after getting about a month behind, we got our computer fixed. When I called Teaching Textbooks to get the accounts reactivated, I said how much I wished they had an online version so that we weren’t dependent on the computer or the discs to be working in order to do math. They told me they were just about to launch 3.0, and I could give it a try early! Woo-hoo!

Be sure to scroll to the bottom to get a Free Trial!

I only signed up a couple of kids at first so we could see if it was worth it. Oh boy, was it! I signed up four of them last February, and the younger 2 kids this summer!

The kids all LOVE being able to log into their accounts no matter what computer they’re on.  Now, my two high schoolers do math on their Chromebooks in their bedrooms where it’s quiet instead of on the former “Teaching Textbook” computer in the main school room. Also, the discs were starting to get scratched up, and I really didn’t think they would last through all my kids. Now, I don’t have to worry about that.

Good News: Teaching Textbooks 4.0 which will work on all phones, tablets, etc. and doesn’t even need internet access is coming in 2020!


Gets good results

One of the negatives that we have heard about Teaching Textbooks for years was that it’s “easier” than other math curricula. This year my oldest son (who goes to public school) had a math tutor to help him through Algebra 2. She was quite familiar with Teaching Textbooks because she has worked with a number of homeschoolers. She said she was pleased with how well he was doing. (He had used Teaching Textbooks for Algebra 1).

Furthermore, my 2nd son who has used TT for Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 got a 26 ACT math score on his first try as a 16-year-old. I feel he had a solid foundation with Teaching Textbooks and will get that score up even higher as he takes the ACT one or two more times.

Colorful and Customizable

My 8-year-old son, especially, loves the Buddies that he can change out, as well as the backgrounds. He has a lot of fun making it look good before he gets down to focusing on his daily math lesson.


11 Reasons Why Teaching Textbooks 3.0 is the Best Math Curriculum for Us

11 Reasons Why Teaching Textbooks 3.0 is the Best Math Curriculum for Us

Has a “paper” version included

If your student is a paper-and-pencil type, you can print out the lessons and have him or her work out the problems right there, and then just type the answer into the computer to find out if it’s correct and keep track of grades.

See the paper version here:

11 Reasons Why Teaching Textbooks 3.0 is the Best Math Curriculum for Us

11 Reasons Why Teaching Textbooks 3.0 is the Best Math Curriculum for Us


Mom can easily check the Gradebook from any device

This used to be a huge hassle for me. I never used the computer the kids used for math, and when I’d finally head over there to check math scores, someone would almost always be there using it. Now, I can check it on my own laptop, or even my phone!

11 Reasons Why Teaching Textbooks 3.0 is the Best Math Curriculum for Us

11 Reasons Why Teaching Textbooks 3.0 is the Best Math Curriculum for Us

11 Reasons Why Teaching Textbooks 3.0 is the Best Math Curriculum for Us

A special large family rate is now available

This is so exciting for families like mine! If you have 4-8 children needing a Teaching Textbooks 3.0 subscription, your total will be capped with their special rate. Thank you, Teaching Textbooks for doing this!

Teaching Textbooks large-family discount plan

Can be used on iPad or iPhone!

Now that Teaching Textbooks 4.0 is out, it can be used on ANY device or computer with ease.

Has hints

I see the hints as a way for the kids to get the same help I would give them if I were sitting right next to them. Now, I can focus on helping kids learn to read or write or do science while Teaching Textbooks does all they need for math.

Hints and/or Second Chances can be turned off by the parent

Another new feature with Teaching Textbooks 3.0 is that you can turn off hints or second chances. Know your child and how they’re doing with math to see whether this is beneficial or not. But, it sure is great to have the option.

11 Reasons Why Teaching Textbooks 3.0 is the Best Math Curriculum for Us

Each student’s subscription lasts for 12 months, with the option to stop for 3 months

With this new online version Teaching Textbooks 3.0, you pay for a year’s access, but if you want to turn it off for a while due to something like a vacation or illness, you can.

11 Reasons Why Teaching Textbooks 3.0 is the Best Math Curriculum for Us

They have placement exams on their website

If you aren’t sure what level to start your child at, have your child take the placement exam you find on the Teaching Textbooks website. Since I was moving from a different curriculum to Teaching Textbooks, this was helpful for me.

Customer Service is awesome

I have always been pleased with the level of expertise of the tech and customer service help. I have both emailed and called a number of times.

There are 10 levels of math to choose from

Starting from Level 3 (about 3rd grade, but take the placement exam to know for sure), Teaching Textbooks goes all the way up to Pre-Calculus!

Right now I have children doing Math 3, Math 4, Math 5, Math 7, Algebra 1, and Algebra 2. We have used all levels except Pre-Calculus.

Here are some of the lessons from Math 3:

11 Reasons Why Teaching Textbooks 3.0 is the Best Math Curriculum for Us

11 Reasons Why Teaching Textbooks 3.0 is the Best Math Curriculum for Us

11 Reasons Why Teaching Textbooks 3.0 is the Best Math Curriculum for Us


And a lesson from Math 4:

11 Reasons Why Teaching Textbooks 3.0 is the Best Math Curriculum for Us

Our Takeaway

I expect we’ll keep 3.0 for quite a while because Teaching Textbooks 3.0 is the Best Math Curriculum for us!

Free Trial

Teaching Textbooks Giveaway with Free Trial Option


See a demonstration of Teaching Textbooks 4.0 here:

2023 Free Book Lists graphic
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  1. This sounds great! I have to try it! Hope kids will like it!

  2. We’ve used it for years already; I love the automatic grading, and highschool math is almost fun for my son! 😉

  3. Rachel Bierly says:

    We are planning to use TT for the first time next school year. We had been using Monarch by AOP for all of our schooling, but I wanted to be more hands on with our learning. Math is the only one that is tough for me. I am a math person and my daughter isn’t. This takes my “I can’t understand how you don’t understand that” out of the equation. 🙂

  4. I think Teaching Textbooks will be perfect for my son this year! Can’t wait to try it out!

  5. Denette Caviness says:

    We use teaching textbooks and love it!!

  6. I love teaching Textbooks- my oldest 3 use it and I would love to try the 3.0 version

  7. We are just getting started with the book version of TT! We can’t wait, we’ve heard such good things, especially about the online program!

  8. We’ve used TT since the start of our homeschool. Two graduates now and two more to go. We love it so much!!!

  9. Cassie Delapp says:

    I have heard many good things about TT. I have never tried it but have considered trying it after her subscription runs out on the current program she is using. It would be great to win a subscription to help with our current finances.

  10. We love Teaching Textbooks! The kids like the Buddies that they can have & I like that they can get hints to help them if I’m busy helping someone else.

  11. I have been looking at using Teaching Textbooks for the upcoming year. I am excited to use the free trial.

  12. We switched to Teaching Textbooks for high school and it’s working really well! It’s been good for my daughter and think it will also work well with my dyslexic sons.

  13. We’ve used TT CDs, but have continually been frustrated by lost/scratched discs and computer issues that interrupt our math lessons. I’m SO excited about TT 3.0 and the Large Family plan! (I’m a mom of 10.)

  14. We love teaching textbooks! We’ve always used the 2.0 version but I love that my daughter can b so independent with it

  15. We love Teaching Textbooks!

  16. I’ve been wanting to see more about Teaching Textbooks! I’ve been researching online math programs for my daughter for the upcoming year and TT is on the list. This post is so helpful. Thanks!

  17. M. Shearer says:

    We love Teaching Textbooks. We are headed into our third year with our older girls and will be starting our first year with our youngest daughter. So excited to try version 3.0!

  18. Wendy Burkett says:

    My son has never used Teaching Textbooks but it looks like it might be a good fit!

  19. We live TT and have been blessed for several years with the ease and enjoyment of its structure. I hadn’t heard yet about this option—sounds smart especially for larger families! And first time I knew of a placement test online! Thanks!!

  20. I’ve been looking into it for my two oldest. I had no clue there was a free trial! Thank you!!

  21. Kerry A Fritz says:

    I used it for older kids but want to try with younger. Price has held me back.

  22. ES Tucson says:

    Loved it – gives my kids independence in when to do their math. Would love to try the subscription for the “baby”.

  23. Mary Krzyzanowski says:

    We’ve never used TT before, but have heard great things about it from friends. M

  24. Dana Bollwerk says:

    I have to say that after trying TT3 for the first time last year, I was SOLD. Math has always been a struggle for me to teach because I struggled as a learner. I was so happy with TT3 that I was recommending it to pretty much everyone who homeschools in my circle of friends. My sister decided to use it this year because I showed her our version. We haven’t been able to order TT4 yet for my son yet due to finances, but whether we win, or not… we’ll make it happen. I’m so pleased with it. Thank you!

  25. We just started our second year and have not found a math curriculum to call our own yet! Teaching Textbooks looks promising.

  26. Brittany M says:

    We have never used it before but I have been really considering it for math this year. I think my son would love it! For sure giving the trial a go!

  27. Corina Montreuil says:

    We have used teaching textbooks 3 and will be using 4 next year. The cds have always been a problem they would get scratched etc. so I am praying I win this so that we can streamline life!!!

  28. I’ve never tried TT before but I do have a friend who has used it and likes it quite well. I’m trying this with my teen daughter who has severe problems with math and who is also dyslexic. I’m on limited time with her as far as school goes so I’m hoping she’ll be able to “get math” using TT.

  29. Crystal Nichols says:

    I have wanted to try out Teaching Textbooks. I’m so happy that there is a free trial now. I can’t wait to sign up and have the kids try it out.

  30. I would like to try TT because having something online for my kids to do sounds like a great plan.

  31. We started using TTB’s 4 years ago, when it came with our sonlight curriculum. We now use Easy Peasy, but stuck with the TTB’s for my oldests math. She was supposed to be using Khan, but she was literally not learning ANYTHING and it was a huge frustration for us all. TTB’s have been a life saver. I also recomened TTB’s to a friend, when she asked what others used. She liked what she saw, and ordered, and with in the week of getting it, she messaged how much she and her daughter loved it, and thank you so much for suggesting it <3

  32. Judith Martinez says:

    I’ve never used teaching textbooks. I’d like to try it.

  33. Thank you for the link to the free trial! Considering it for one of my daughters, so this perfect! 🙂

    1. Katrina Morgan says:

      I just signed up for free trial. Looking forward to checking it out.

  34. Been wanting to try TT … I have 5 kids think it would be helpful!

  35. The free trial is awesome, this is our first time trying Teaching Textbooks

  36. Corrie D. says:

    We have never used TT, but have heard good things from other homeschoolers who have. I would be interested in trying it for my oldest two who will be in 8th and 9th grades this fall.

  37. Charlsie Short says:

    We just started the free trial and my daughter is loving it!! She has dyslexia so it’s been a breath of fresh air ??

  38. Jill Adams says:

    We used TT 2.0 with our older 4 and have loved it! I would like to use it for our youngest 5, but we will have to wait and see if we can afford it. Lol. We started using TT with Math 6 and our little ones are only ready for level 3-4 and we haven’t been able to buy the younger levels yet.

  39. As a homeschooling dad, I’ve used TT CDs in the past and have enjoyed using them with my kids. I’d love to try an online version. What a great idea to make an amazing product even better!

  40. Terri Baehr says:

    We have been using TT for a few years now and it is working well for our family.

  41. We have used TTB for years, but I am really excited about the Web version. I have one of my people trying Geometry right now to see if it would work for us.

  42. Kelli Wood says:

    We have been using TT for 3 years now and LOVE IT! I am very excited about them going to an online program!! So much easier to keep up! I love the automatic grading system!!!!

  43. We love TT! We’ll be using 3, 6, pre-algebra, and algebra 1 next year.

  44. I’ve never used TT before, but I’ve heard so many good things about it! I’m so excited to learn there is a free trial!

  45. We have used Teaching Textbooks from Math 3 through Algebra 1. Getting ready for Geometry this fall!

  46. We have used TT for 6-8 years. It works great for us.

  47. Stephanie C. says:

    We are planning on trying this out this year. We are very excited, and have heard some very good things!!

  48. Anna Thomas says:

    We LOVE TT and we are so excited to try 3.0 for this coming school year (our second homeschool year). This would be a exciting win!!

  49. Jennifer T says:

    We havent used Teaching Textbooks but have struggled to find a math program for our homeschool that works well for our kiddos. I’d love to try this online version

  50. my daughter uses it right now for pre algebra, she enjoys being able to ‘teach’ herself and the format keeps her interested

  51. We love teaching textbooks!
    Love the hints and how it shows you the correct way to solve a missed problem. Highly recommend it!

  52. I just bought TT4 / TT prealgebra… but I’m hoping to win TT5 because I think she’ll blow through it quickly and need to move on.

  53. We have never tried Teaching Textbooks, but I’ve heard a lot about them.

  54. Kimberly R says:

    We have never used Teaching Textbooks in our homeschool, but have always wanted to ?

  55. Have four kids in four different grades. Excited to try it out.

  56. somekramers says:

    Have used TT from TT3 through Algebra 1 so far, excited to try out the 3.0 version!

  57. Thanks for offering this

  58. nicole henke says:

    we haveb’t, as my daughter loves saxon, but as she gets to HS level, I think this program might be a better option for us

  59. We’ve been using horizons. I’d love to try out teaching textbooks.

  60. We’ve only used TT for Algebra 2 and love it! I’d love to get my 5th grader started on it!

  61. Laurie sanders says:

    Grant giveaway!

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