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Bible Journaling Kit

As we continue to think about God’s Word during National Bible Week I’m happy to share a review of a Bible Journaling Kit with you. I am really enjoying this kit!

Bible Journaling Kit giveaway

(Have you entered the other Bible Giveaways? Genesis Airship Kids Study Bible and Beginner’s Bible with Bible Trivia Game.)

It comes in a nice box as you see here:

Bible Journaling Kit

The back shows all the pieces in it:

Bible Journaling Kit

I got an ESV Journaling Bible a few months ago that I really love, and I used the kit to help me journal these pages. What’s great about it is that it has really wide margins with lots of space for writing, drawing, or stickers!

Bible Journaling Kit

Bible Journaling Kit

Bible Journaling Kit

Bible Journaling Kit

You see that I used sticker tabs (they have some pre-printed, but I wrote on these blank ones), clear stickers that I colored underneath, colored pencils, and the stencil for the scalloped design.

The colored pencils are twistable–so nice that you don’t have to sharpen them. They aren’t fine pointed, which I prefer for this style because I used them to draw designs (such as under the clear stickers) and to highlight the Bible verses.

Keep all the pieces (except for the ruled page protector mat) in the handy bag that’s included. Keep the mat in your Bible.

Kit includes:

  • 4 sheets of word stickers
  • 4 sheets of alphabet stickers
  • 24 tab stickers
  • 8 colored pencil twists
  • 1 journaling pen
  • pouch with an adjustable strap to fit Bibles of all sizes
  • ruled page protector mat with tracing lines

Bible Journaling Kit

Bible Journaling Kit

Places to Buy it:  

Barnes & NobleAmazonBooks-A-MillionChristian Book Distributors

(Disclosure: I received this kit for free in order to honestly and accurately review it here.)

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  1. Cari Webb says:

    I haven’t tried Bible journaling yet, but it is beautiful.

  2. This would be wonderful to learn how to do

  3. camille LOPEZ says:

    I don’t journal IN my bible, but in a journal, and not as much as I would like to!

  4. jessica m says:

    I “journal” in my Bible

  5. Stephanie Lucas says:

    Bible Journaling is such an awesome way to meditate on scripture…this outlooks awesome!

  6. Dana Matthews says:

    I currently do not do Bible journaling. I am learning and it is part of my New Year’s resolution to begin.

  7. I have never used bible journaling tools, but I have always doodled. I am excited about this new way of connecting with the scriptures.

  8. Chelsea D says:

    I’ve been wanting to give Bible Journaling a try and this would give me a good start. Thanks for the opportunity!

  9. Judith Martinez says:

    I have never tried to do Bible journaling but I’d like to try.

  10. Michelle Habrych says:

    This looks like fun!

  11. I do some bible journaling, but mostly in a separate book because my bible is small and not a journaling bible.

  12. Denise White says:

    I haven’t done Bible journaling in my Bible, but I’d like to try!

  13. I actually don’t do Bible journaling, because I didn’t have the resources. I tried reading Bible and studying it, but it’s hard to know how to get started. I just ordered a Bible study of John, still waiting for it to come in the mail. So, Bible study and Bible Journaling is different I’m guessing, it looks like you draw and write directly in a special Bible that has extra margins

    1. Yes, Oksana, that’s what Bible journaling is. You try to gain something that you think God is trying to teach you from the Scripture and then write or draw about it. It could be a promise or something you’d like to change in your life or so many other things!

  14. I did it years ago. What a great way to get back into it with my children!

  15. I haven’t tried Bible journaling yet but it looks so pretty! I’d love to try it!

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