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I have a new interest–it’s bird-watching!  My husband built an neat bird feeder right outside of one of our low windows.  It provides viewing even for our 19-month-old.  And he loves to watch the birds and say  "bood, bood!". 

Maybe you can see the tree in the middle of the yard also has a hummingbird feeder on a branch.  I keep hoping that hummingbirds will come, but I’ve never seen one around here.

My husband was originally going to build it in the backyard, but I was afraid of attracting more birds back there that might eat up our berries!  (We have raspberries, blueberries and grapes.)

I had been noticing for the past few weeks that a lot of straw/ dead plant material kept getting on our front porch.  I thought it was just the wind blowing it up there.  But this weekend my husband noticed this bird’s nest!  I think it’s a robin’s nest since I’ve seen a robin fly from the porch when I’ve opened the front door.  But I’ll keep watching to see if she actually goes in the nest.  In our yard I’ve seen mourning doves, robins, sparrows, finches and some kind of black bird (maybe a grackle or crow).

We also signed up at this website to participate in a very easy study about birds.  The link is  They send you a packet with bird info/ posters and a packet of sunflower seeds.  You simply pick an area to watch for 10 minutes and report back to them which of 10 bird species (that they specify) that you saw.

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