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Homeschooling article in Parade Magazine

There was an article in this past Sunday’s edition of Parade Magazine (included in the Sunday newspaper).  It was discussing the recent California case which said that homeschooling parents should have teaching credentials.  They have an online poll which asks whether you think homeschooling parents should have teaching credentials.  Please go vote!  They’ll include the results in a future edition.  Here is the link:

I found the most interesting quote in the article to be:

“If upheld, the California ruling will send shock waves nationwide,” says Richard Kahlenberg, the author of a number of books on education. He says the case “pits those who believe parental rights are paramount against those who place a premium on well-educated citizens.”

Every homeschooling parent I have ever met (and I’ve met lots!) places a "premium on well-educated citizens."  It’s one of the reasons they homeschool!  How could this be an opposite view to believing that parental rights are paramount?

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One Comment

  1. jabbabean says:

    With all the ills of the world, why are they spending so much time on this? We must be pretty threatening.

    Well, I'm looking forward to seeing you this weekend. Oh, and I hope I'm back to blogging, too!



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