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Collage Friday– No Regrets, OCC, & Children’s Museum

What God has Been Teaching Me:

We heard an incredibly impactful testimony on Sunday at church by Robert Rogers.  He lost his wife and 4 children 9 years ago in a flash flood but realized that he had lived so that he has no regrets.  He now has a ministry to encourage others to live their lives so that they won’t have any regrets.  It has helped me more than other things I’ve tried to conquer my impatience and frustrations this week.  I shared last week how God was convicting me to live without being anxious (Phillipians 4:6).  As I continually thought of the fact that I don’t want certain “moments” to be the last that my kids remember of me, I’ve had more patience and self-control.  Please see Robert Roger’s website called Into the Deep.  Oh, and the Lord has blessed him with a new wife and four more children!

Please take the time to watch this:


Where we went:

My mom is in town visiting, so we’ve taken the opportunity to go on some field trips to Kohl Children’s Museum and CA Robot Factory (and Wendy’s!).



What we did:

Pack our Operation Christmas Child boxes.

What I’m reading:

A Marriage Carol by Chris Fabry and Gary Chapman

Into the Deep by Robert Rogers with Stan Finger

What I’m cooking:

Recipes using NuNaturals products.  I’ll be posting a review right after Thanksgiving.  And next week I’m looking forward to making a bunch of pies!

Articles I loved this week:

The Thanksgiving We Almost Died by Charlotte Siems

Overcoming Anger: When Change Really Happens by Proverbial Homemaker
Linked to Homegrown LearnersHoly Spirit-Led HomeschoolingWeird Unsocialized Homeschoolershttp://christianmommyblogger.comfriday favorite things | finding joyBeholding Glory
 at The Homeschool Mother’s Journal


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  1. I can really relate to trying to living without being anxious. My struggle now is trying to let go of control, which is closely related to being anxious, too. Thank you for pointing me to this inspiring man’s website, too. I had never heard of him before.

    Happy Thanksgiving, and thanks for always linking, Gena!

  2. thank you for this inspiring post….very needed as we enter into what can be a frustrating time of year! What is really important is right there before us, and what an excellent reminder to not take it for granted! blessings Nicole( now following by FB)

  3. Love this post. I struggle to live without regrets and often worry/ obsess over what if I do or don’t do x, will I regret it in the future..

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