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Collage Friday–What’s been going on around here?

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a Collage Friday post!  See our life in pictures from the last few weeks:


Our co-op has ended for the year. We had a great time studying Exploring Creation Through Chemisty and Physics. We ended the year with some simple machine projects. I’ll do a wrap-up post of our whole science year in May.

Simple Machines Collage

Today we went on a field trip to our local police station.  We got to see the dispatch center (where 911 calls go in), talk to some detectives about their work, see the jail (and learn that those in holding cell only eat Burger King), and see the squad cars!


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Aren’t these cupcakes beautiful?  My daughters made them with their grandma.


The mallard ducks made their annual pilgrimage to our backyard.  🙂


Last week we went on a field trip to the Long Grove Confectionary.  It’s a chocolate factory!  See a solid chocolate Statue of Libery and Santa Claus.  Also a cacao pod which contains the chocolate “seeds”!

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This is an old fashioned machine for grinding the chocolate seeds.  And next is a chocolate dress!

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My husband has to fix our deck and asked my oldest son to put a note on the door telling people not to go on the deck.  He got a little creative.  It says, “Warning! Hard hat area. All unauthorized people will not be admitted. Death is inevitable and you could pay a fine of $10 by supreme court law. Well, just don’t go on the deck, Dad said.”



We had a birthday. My second son is now 12!


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My sweet girls with matching pillows and necklaces that say “Big Sis”and “Lil’ Sis.”


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For the kids’ play rehearsal they can dress up as different characters each Saturday.  Here are a few of their clever costumes.


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And I’ll end today’s post with this gorgeous sunset we saw a few weeks ago.  Have a blessed Easter.  Thank you, Jesus, for your sacrifice and “He Lives!”


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All About Spelling homeschool curriculum, now in color