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Collage/Journal Friday– The Plot Thickens

I have a lot I’d like to share today, but not much time.  So, here’s just a little of what’s going on around here.   I’m so glad my husband is back from his business trip.  Can’t wait to go on a date with him!

What’s keeping us busy:

We’re very busy with my son’s Aladdin musical that he’s in right now.  The rehearsals are 45 minutes away.  It’s such a great experience for him, though.  So, I’m glad we’re doing it.  I’ll be there tonight finishing up some costumes!

The other kids have basketball games on Saturdays, along with the rehearsals, so my husband and I are getting good at “managing the chaos”, as they put it in “Cheaper By the Dozen.”

Collage of the week:

Family Collage-Feb 2013


Exercise update:

I did a few workouts this week but not as much as I wanted to because my kids were sick.  I was worn out!

3 in 30 for February:

 photo 3-in-30_zpsd8664c28.png      The three goals I’m hoping to reach this month are

1) Learn how to use my new camera (read the instructions and practice with it)

2) Exercise at least 4 times a week

3) Read, review, and apply what’s learned from Unglued, a Devotional by Lisa TerKeurst


And a Time to Laugh:

When my husband was on a business trip we received a mysterious letter in the mail.  It’s still in the garage, and I still haven’t examined it closely.  I do admit I freaked out a bit when I opened it.  But that night when I read this texting exchange between my oldest son and my husband I started laughing so hard I couldn’t sleep!

Son:  mom was freaking out that some fake person had sent us a biological disease, weapon that could wipe out our town

Dad:  What?

Son:  it was some guy named Samuel Shurkamyo or whatever, it was a letter written in pen from massachusetts, inside was nothing except a plastic bag, mom immediately threw it away in the garage and washed her hands, we don’t know if anything was inside it

Dad:  Wow!  We better keep the address, maybe even the letter

Son: ooooookkkkkaaaaayyyy

it’s probably some fake person from eBay

Dad:  What would be the purpose, though

Son:  J ordered a charger from eBay and we found out that the guy was removed from eBay

Dad:  Hmmmm- the plot thickens

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