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Colorado Vacation Post #4: Leadville

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Our next destination in the Colorado travels was Leadville. Never heard of it? Neither had we. Here is a great bumper sticker we saw while there that gives a little insight into the place:

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The drive there from Vail was a bit scary for me.  I kept my eyes closed for quite a few minutes.  (No, I wasn’t driving!)  When they were opened, it sure was beautiful!

Leadville is a town that has had three different mining booms (gold, silver, and molybdenum).  Now, it basically only has tourism.  It’s sad to see a once-vibrant town so run down.

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My husband took a few kids into the old opera house.


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We toured a mine and “Baby Doe’s Cabin.”

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Then, we went to the National Mining Museum, which was pretty interesting.

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After leaving Leadville, we drove to Idaho Springs to spend the evening with some friends who used to live in the Chicago area. Ahh, so nice to see old friends!

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Our next destination. . .  visiting relatives in the town of La Junta, and a little fun with American Girl Josefina!

(See Vacation Post #1 here, Vacation Post #2 here, and Vacation Post #3 here)

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  1. I’ve heard of Leadville! I’ve even been there! Idaho Springs too!
    Looks like you are having a wonderful time. Is the weather gorgeous as it looks in your photos?
    Brings back memories seeing those Rockie Mountains. It’s a beautiful and special place. Enjoy your travels!

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