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Come to the Communicators for Christ Conference!

I’m very excited to share with you all about an awesome opportunity that some of you will be able to take advantage of! It’s called the Communicators for Christ Conference, and it’s for kids AND their parents!

“Leadership is really about followership”…. Who are you following? Who are your children following? …. Check their music, their books, their friends, and who their friends are following. Lead them to a community where they are following others with a purpose.

Communicators for Christ Conference

The first time we told the kids we were taking them to a public speaking conference they dragged their heels like anything.  But, then, they didn’t want it to end!  The student leaders at these conferences make it so fun for them!

Join us for a Communicators for Christ Conference and begin your training!

Who: For kids ages 6 and up, and their parent(s)

What:  CFC Conference Tour 2015

When:  September 10-November 14, 2015, depending on the area. Each conference is Friday 3:45-8:30 p.m and Saturday 8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.

Where:  Louisiana, Minnesota, Colorado, California, South Carolina, Illinois, Ohio, New Jersey, Maryland

Why:  ICC (Institute for Cultural Communicators) is purposefully training students to be good Christ-followers.  They are training Christians to lead.

Leave a comment or contact me if you’d like more information.

Watch this video to get a little taste of what the kids and the parents will be doing:

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