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Energy = Cleaning and Field Trips

I’m finally feeling more energetic (I’m 18 weeks pregnant) and am trying to take advantage of it.  I’ve been cleaning and organizing different areas of my house, for one thing.  I finally hung up some pictures that have been waiting for about 6 months.  And this afternoon I cleaned the top of the refrigerator.  I wish I could do a thorough spring cleaning, but with the little kids always hanging around, it’s not too easy.  I learned a while back that I must rest during afternoon nap time, so I won’t use that time.  I know I’ll regret it!



Another thing that I am trying to do while I have the energy is a lot of field trips.  I took my 5 yo son to a homeschool farm field trip last week.  It was fun to just be the two of us.  This week we’ll go to a program at a nearby museum called Preschool Planters.  We’re supposed to explore the prairie garden and make a plant marker.  We do so much studying of animals; it will be nice to study plants for a change.  Next week we’ll go to the Chicago Field Museum where they have a full skeleton of a T-Rex dinosaur.  I’ve never been there and have never seen a full dinosaur skeleton.  I’m probably more excited than the kids.



I’d like to do some type of field trip every week this summer, but I’ll need some help.  So I’m planning on searching out some young kids (10 years and up) to accompany us.  There are so many awesome museums, gardens, zoos and other great places to visit in the Chicago area.

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One Comment

  1. REInvestor says:

    I think my favorite trips involve some kind of living history or science. We just went to Mt. Vernon while visiting family in Virginia. That was really great. And later on this month or in June I hope to go to Phila. to visit the historical sites to go along with our history of the REvolutionary WAr.

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