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Preschool Expulsion

Here’s a new one from today’s Chicago Tribune:  “With expulsion of preschoolers high, mental health experts tackle behavior issues.”  There is apparently a “new but growing group of professionals known as early childhood mental health consultants.”  They travel to preschools and child-care centers training teachers and meeting with parents to find solutions for the troubled children who are on the verge of expulsion.  Here was a telling statement:  One suggestion to help with the child’s behavior was to get the father more involved in his son’s life and have him drive the boy to school.


I don’t think I’ll comment too much, except to say, how sad.

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  1. grandmommy says:

    It seems to be saying “Get the father more involved in the child’s life by having him remove the child from the home”. Humm.. That will fix whatever behavior problem the child is having, right?

    If children have behavior problems in daycare and preschool, it’s probably because they need to be at HOME. It’s ashamed that the so called experts cant see the real answers. Just imagine what would happen if the “experts” told the parents to raise their children and not just drive them to daycare.


  2. BarbaraFrank says:

    You’re not kidding, that is really sad. Why is it that we always look to experts when the obvious is staring us in the face? What a sad commentary on our society that our preschoolers already need therapy.

    Things like this must make you realize you’re doing the right thing for your little ones, no matter how tired you are at the end of the day!

    Take care,


  3. KarlaAkins says:

    That is, indeed, sad. I have a cottage school and one of our little boys in it is so mentally distrubed — and there just isn’t the home life for him to help him feel safe and secure. I have a hard time not judging people sometimes when it comes to the tender hearts of children!

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