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Finger Fitness with T-Tapp

Each of my pregnancies has brought with it some strange side effects, and this one was no different. About a month before delivery, I developed what we think is pregnancy-induced carpel tunnel syndrome. It has now been four weeks since delivery, and it isn’t gone. I’m still hoping it goes away. In the meantime, I’m really glad that I found this video today. I will be doing this daily!

By the way, I’m about to start a 4-day T-Tapp boot camp of the Basic Workout Plus.  I took my measurements yesterday and will be checking every Monday to see how much I’ve lost.  My goal is to go down 4 clothes sizes, about 30 pounds!  I’ve been re-reading Teresa Tapp’s book Fit and Fabulous in Fifteen Minutes:  Lose up to 2 Sizes in 4 Weeks.  
Go to the T-Tapp website to get this life-changing book! Or to try out some of the exercises and order the DVDs.

Here’s what I suggest for a beginner:  Get the book (it includes a DVD with some great exercises on it) and get the Basic Workout Plus DVD (it includes the instructional and the 15-minute workout).  After you get good at that one, you can move on to Step Away the Inches (a great walking workout), Basic Plus Tempo (same as the above, but with a little more intensity), or TappCore (a pick-and-choose DVD that is also great for using for kids, homeschool P.E.).  The next ones may include the Total Workout, Ladybug (good for hormonal balance), and MORE.

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