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First Zucchini

Here is the first zucchini from our garden!  I want to take a minute to brag on my husband.  He has done an incredible job beautifying our backyard (and frontyard, too)!  I'll post some more pictures soon.  We have all kinds of things growing this summer:  tomatoes, tarragon, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkins, squash, cantaloupe, raspberries and a new grapevine.  Now my job is to make sure all this good food doesn't go to waste.


Yesterday I made zucchini bread.  The huge zucchini you see above made one 9-inch loaf and four mini loaves.  The recipe was really good.  Here it is:


Zucchini Bread

3 cups shredded zuchhini (3 medium)

1 2/3 cups sugar

2/3 cup vegetable oil

2 t. vanilla

4 large eggs

3 cups whole wheat flour (or all-purpose flour)
2 t. baking soda

1 t. salt

1 t. ground cinnamon

1/2 t. ground cloves

1/2 t. baking powder

1/2 cup coursely chopped nuts, optional

1/2 cup raisins, optional


1.  Move oven rack to low position so that the tops of pans will be in center of oven.  Heat to 350 degrees.  Grease bottoms of loaf pans (1 9-inch, 1 mini loaf pan of 4 6-inch loaves, or 2 8-inch pans). 

2.  Mix zucchini, sugar, oil, vanilla and eggs in a large bowl.  Stir in remaining ingredients.  Pour into pans.

3.  Bake.  8-inch for 50-60 minutes, 9-inch for 1 hour 10 minutes to 1 hour 20 minutes, or mini loaf pan (4 6-inch loaves) for 40-50 minutes until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.  Cool 10 minutes on wire rack.  Loosen sides from pans; remove from pans and place top side up on wire rack to cool completely.


Next, I'll try zucchini cake, chilled zucchini soup and cheddar zucchini casserole! 


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One Comment

  1. REInvestor says:

    I just cooked it, but hope to make chocolate zuchini cake this coming week. That is one of my favorite recipes. If you need the recipe let me know and I can post it on my blog.

    Our garden is the first real garden we have had with cukes, bean, squash, potato’s, lettuce, and a volunteer pumpkin.

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