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FlyLady Beginner Babysteps Update

I mentioned a while back that I had finally joined FlyLady!  I’m really enjoying it.  I’ve been encouraged and have–even in my weakened 8-months-pregnant state–been able to add some new routines to my daily schedule.  I highly encourage you to join if you never have tried it before!  See here:  It’s free!

Here are some of the things I’ve done: daily shined my kitchen sink, daily made my bed (it’s true–I haven’t done this very often at all in the last 10 years!), put together a Control Journal (which includes my cleaning routines, as well as lots of homeschooling plans, and personal goals), done some “missions” in the Master Bedroom (this week’s Zone) and short decluttering projects in many other places in the house, taken care of some “hot spots” (places where stuff tends to accumulate if you don’t attack it often), and gotten ready to Swish and Swipe starting tomorrow. (I cleaned all my toilet brushes with hot bleach water in the bathtub and then filled the brush containers with water and shampoo so they’ll be ready to use daily).  By the way, this last step was Day 24.  She takes you so slowly through adding all these routines, it isn’t overwhelming at all.  I actually skipped ahead a bit.

Another thing I did was read “Speed Cleaning” by Jeff Campbell and watch the video of the same name (with my kids).  I’m hoping to order some of the materials that will make some of the cleaning that is so difficult for me to do a little easier–such as Tile Juice and Tile Brush to clean the shower walls.  I love the apron idea, where you keep all supplies with you and make just one trip around each room to clean it.

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One Comment

  1. Sigh…I joined Fly Lady and have already failed at “clean sink daily”. Congrats to you on all your successes! 😀

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