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Friday Follow Along {Link Party}!

Hi Friends,

I’m joining Fit Frugal Family as a co-host of the Friday Follow Along Link Party!  See below for directions from Heather.  See my last two posts to learn more about Bloglovin’ and to join my From House to Home Link Party!

Thanks,  Gena



It’s PARTY Time!

So grab a hand and follow the leader!

you have a blog or website with any article pertaining to family,
fitness, being cheap (I mean frugal), crafting, recipes, or is just plain fun….

Click below and add your name to the list!

If you can not see the link entry…click the colored title to this post and it will appear!
  •  There are no real rules-except nothing x rated!
  • Link up at least 1 post (max of 2) AND 1 social media site so we can all follow along!
  • Visit as many links as you can and leave comments!
  • Its just like the game Follow the leaders (host &cohosts) and  follow at
    least the person ahead of you and behind you. Follow others via twitter,
    Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, etc
  • Link back if you can and when!   Not required but appreciated!
  • If you have a blog hop today or this weekend…go ahead and link it up!
If you are new to the follow this week, I am your Host …


Heather from Frugal Fit Family!
My blog is all about getting my family financially and physically fit while saving money, earning extra cash, and getting a little Green! I focus on fitness tips, saving money, organic lifestyles, and pretty much anything that runs across my overactive mind!
Please Follow Me at your Favorite Hangout…or two!
I would also LOVE it is you would take a second and vote for me by clicking the brown “vote for me” box!  …
Visit Top Mommy Blogs To Vote For Me!
I am SOOOO NEEDY (Or so I have heard)-BACK TO THE PARTY!

If you need a button…Take a button!

If you are interested in being a Co-Host….send an email to [email protected]!



Follow Your Friendly Co-hosts:

Leah from Leah Inspired


My name is
Leah and I am a stay at home mom of two wonderful, adventurous boys.  I
love to read, write, craft, scrapbook, and play with my boys.I tend to write about a little of everything, but mostly about my kids
and our adventures and creations that I have done with them.  I try to
be honest and open in my posts and I don’t dwell on perfection in our
crafts.I am working on 12 Months of Getting it Done and plan to accomplish a lot this year and so far it has been very helpful breaking my goals into manageable pieces.- See more at:


 My name is
Leah and I am a stay at home mom of two wonderful, adventurous boys.  I
love to read, write, craft, scrapbook, and play with my boys.

I tend to write about a little of everything, but mostly about my kids
and our adventures and creations that I have done with them.  I try to
be honest and open in my posts and I don’t dwell on perfection in our
crafts.  In my posts I use my boy’s initials, just in case you were

Follow Leah on  Bloglovin’ Google Plus


Gena from I Choose Joy!

Gena has been blogging at I Choose Joy! for over seven years.
She has 8 children, ages 1-12, 4 boys and 4 girls, who are
homeschooled. She has been married for almost 15 years to her best
friend.  At I Choose Joy! you’ll find posts about homeschooling (how can
you do it with 8 kids?), homemaking (easy recipes, sewing and crafting
ideas), and family life. As a follower of Jesus, all posts are honoring
to Him. Gena often has reviews and giveaways of wonderful books,
products, and curriculum.  Check out the Thirty-One Gifts thermal tote
giveaway that’s going on now HERE!
See what’s new at my blog:  I Choose Joy!
And Follow Her Via:  Facebook, Twitter
Now…For some features! If you can’t tell….I went for a food theme this week!
PapCorn with Candied Bacon! from Mrs AOK, a work in Progress
Homemade Lara bars from Counter Culture Living
Quesillo from TitiCrafty !
Asian Plum Sauce from Thimbles, Bobbins, Paper, and Ink
Homemade Sugar Scrub from Solace Amid the Chaos



Now…It is time to link up! Link up a MAX of 3 and please visit at least the post before and after you and leave a lovely comment!

My name is
Leah and I am a stay at home mom of two wonderful, adventurous boys.  I
love to read, write, craft, scrapbook, and play with my boys.I tend to write about a little of everything, but mostly about my kids
and our adventures and creations that I have done with them.  I try to
be honest and open in my posts and I don’t dwell on perfection in our
crafts.  In my posts I use my boy’s initials, just in case you were
wondering!I am working on 12 Months of Getting it Done and plan to accomplish a lot this year and so far it has been very helpful breaking my goals into manageable pieces.- See more at:


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