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What is Bloglovin’ ?

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As a blogger I love to read lots of blogs, and am now using a reader called Bloglovin’ .  I used to use Google Reader, but it’s leaving on June 30, so it was time to find something new. Let me explain what Bloglovin’ is and maybe it’s something you’ll enjoy as well!

A “reader” is an online site which stores all of the blogs that you enjoy reading.  Rather than having to go to each blog you like and see whether they have updated or even getting email updates for sooo many different blogs, it will put all the updates in one spot for you.  Then all you have to do is go to OR use the Bloglovin’ app (See it at Apple iTunes store–it’s awesome!) each time you’re ready to read your favorite blogs!  I have also signed up to get a daily email, so I can quickly look through it to see if anything catches my eye.

Go ahead and sign up for an account.  And “Follow” me!  I have 13 followers right now and would love to get to 100 in the next week. 🙂
Follow on Bloglovin
Please let all your friends know (if you think they would enjoy reading I Choose Joy!).

I appreciate it!


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