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Summer Homeschooling Plans

Summer Homeschooling Plans


One of the greatest blessings about homeschooling is that we have freedom!  We school year-round and just take breaks when needed.  And I’ve decided:  I need a break now!  Friday is going to be our last official school day of this year.  Then we’ll take a couple of weeks off to regroup.

Here are our Summer Homeschooling Plans:

Bible Bee Sword Study and Memory Verses–  This is an in-depth Bible Study which takes about 30 minutes a day.  It incorporates reading, writing, history, using reference materials, etc.

Lots of music lessons– B (12) will take violin and saxophone lessons.  J (11) will take percussion, piano, and violin lessons.  M (9) piano and violin.  R ( 8) piano.  T (6) violin.   And  they will all take singing lessons with me (mostly group, but the oldest ones will have some private lessons as well).  We’ll also do some focus on music theory, written as well as computer or iPad apps.  (If you know of any good ones, let me know!)

Summer camps– One week of sports camp called LifeSports and one week of theater camp with Spotlight.

Math– My oldest needs to finish his 6th grade math book.

History– We’ll continue reading history to finish volume 2 of Mystery of History.  I also have a couple of historical fiction books to do a review on.

Science– I have a unit study science book to do a review on, so we’ll do a couple of those.

Phonics/Reading Lessons– Do Alpha-Phonics with R (8), T (6), and L (4)

Typing– I like to use the summertime to have the kids do typing practice.  We like these free websites: and

Art– We might add in some drawing lessons.

Reading– Summer reading programs where they’ll do lots of silent reading, I’ll continue to read aloud

Jonathan Park– We love to listen to these great CD dramas and learn about creation science and apologetics.  I’m going to see if I can add in some enrichment activities to go along with the reading.

A.C.T.S. Summer of Service  Service Projects

So, things that will to on hold until next fall are: Latin, Logic, Writing, Math, Worldview, Handwriting, Spelling, and Grammar!

Also, my oldest has been begging to do football for years.  This might be the year we relent (we have one more month to think about it).  If we do, that will consume months August – November.  Do you sense that I’m not into it?  The weirdest thing is that he actually “looks” like a football player.  Trying to make the right decision here.

Vacations–  The first that I’m so glad we get to do is our state’s annual homeschooling convention called ICHE (Illinois Christian Home Educators).  I first went when my oldest was 17 months old and my 2nd child was 6 weeks.  We went every year since until last year because Baby E was born.  She’s almost one and started walking yesterday!  Anyway, my husband and I be going to the convention with the baby and two oldest boys in June.  We have a couple of young ladies (sisters) who will come and stay with the other kids.  We might do a road trip, but haven’t made any plans yet!  And we’ll do our summertime trip up to the lake where my husband’s parents live.


What are your summer plans?



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One Comment

  1. Thanks for hosting this link up each week Gena. I enjoying linking up and seeing what others link up as well.

    Also, I’m happy to be your newest follower! I’d love it if you could take a second to check out my blog and follow me back 🙂

    Thanks so much,
    Tyson@Uplifting Love

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