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Children’s Museum

Well, life has been extremely busy lately!  So, I’m combining yesterday and today’s posts today! If you have a blog, be sure to link up a post or two!  And there’s an awesome contest below, so keep reading!

What we’ve been doing:

We finally made it out on a field trip last Monday.  We went to the Kohl Children’s Museum.  The kids love it there!  They spent 20 minutes straight just in the “grocery store!”  I love that even my 9-year-old daughter still has fun there.  I know it won’t be long–my 2 oldest boys actually decided to stay at home (with grandpa) and do schoolwork rather than go with us!  We also spent a bit of time outside at the museum because the weather was so beautiful.

Collage- Kohl 2 Collage- Kohl

Kohl Children's Museum 022

It was nice to have Mumsy here to go with us!  And we went to McDonalds’ afterward.  🙂

Kohl Children's Museum 028

Keeping us busy:

My oldest son is in another musical with Spotlight.  He’s doing “Godspell” and only one more week until dress rehearsals!

Here is a picture of him in his costume.

Botanic Gardens 063 Botanic Gardens 064

If you’re in the area, please come see Godspell–and choose my son Ben Mayo’s name so he’ll get credit for the ticket sale!  It tells the story of Jesus (loosely) from the gospels.  The kids act out parables and other events from Jesus’ life.  But it’s set in modern-day Chicago.  🙂

In Our Homeschool:

We did some fun science experiments from our Zoology 2 (Swimming Creatures) curriculum last week and added them to our ocean boxes.

Learning how octopuses and squids rise up and sink lower in the water:



Making a saturated salt solution so we can grow a “brittle star.”






The finished “brittle star” (after a few weeks):

growing beans 005

Looking at different shells and making “shell collection boxes.”









Making sea urchins, feather stars, and  jellyfish:












(Post may contain affiliate links.)

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  1. I love the shells. That makes me feel like summer and I am ready for warm weather.

  2. I love the images of your children with the shells. Stopping by from Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.

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