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T-Tapp 60-Day Challenge


I decided to join the T-Tapp 60-Day Challenge this year!  My goal was to lose 2 sizes, to get back into my size 6 clothes.   Look at this picture:

TTapp After 007

Yes–it’s size 6!

So, there’s good news and bad news regarding the challenge.

The good news:  I lost almost 2 sizes (can’t fit into all of my size 6 clothes, so I still have a bit more to lose), 6 pounds, and 13 inches!

The bad news:  I wasn’t as consistent with the exercising as I was hoping to be.  I began the challenge with a 7-day boot camp, which means that I did the T-Tapp Basic Workout Plus Tempo every day for 7 days in a row.  That work-out is only 17 minutes long, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy!  The following week I did the same workout every other day and did some other T-Tapp moves on the off days.  But after the 2nd week, I only did 3 more work-outs and 3 more days of other moves for the whole rest of the challenge.

This, of course, helps you see the benefits of T-Tapp!  I still lost inches even though I didn’t do a whole lot of exercising.  One of their sayings is, “Less is More With T-Tapp.”

So, now I will continue my workouts and get more in shape.  If you want to learn more about T-Tapp, check out What Is T-Tapp!


(Post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. Thanks for hosting and I have linked two with links back to I Choose Joy. I hope you have a great weekend.

  2. Congratulations! Thanks for dropping by my blog!

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