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Giveaway “Encouragement for Homeschool Moms” collection by Diana Waring

You may remember that I recently reviewed a new curriculum item from Diana Waring called Experience History Through Music.  It was a pleasure getting to know her through the review process!  She has offered to do a special giveaway just for Homeschool Moms of her Homeschool Encouragement Set. 

Here are some details on it–and then enter to win it!

We invite you to experience our REINVIGORATING, REVITALIZING,REMINDING-yourself-why-you’re-DOING-this, Downloadable collection:

Encouragement for Homeschool Moms


Every mom needs that word of encouragement from someone who has been there, who has grownup children and can speak with assurance about the journey. Homeschool moms have an extra portion of the journey to navigate, and often wish for an extra voice that will offer direction but without nagging or prodding. Diana Waring has that voice.

The Encouragement for Homeschool Moms collection includes an e-book and four audios of Diana’s own brand of support for you.

  • Once Upon a Time E-book– Take a trip back to the days when Diana was living a life very similar to yours, running kids to lessons, managing the needs of three growing children and trying to “get the laundry off the table and get dinner on the table.”
  • Beyond Survival Workshop – With humor, humility and wisdom, Diana allows you to get a glimpse of her homeschool and candidly describes the good times and the bad.
  • Box-Free Living – In this workshop about overcoming perfectionism, so says one friend, or about letting love have a roomy spot in your home, the point is helping your children to relax, to love learning, and to keep in their hearts the values you are trying to instill in them — biblical parenting.
  • Roots – gives parents the assurance that pouring on unconditional love and responsiveness will allow their children to grow deep roots of confidence with certainty of support.
  • Wings – helps parents find a balance between wanting to continue holding on to the hands of little ones and wanting to grant independence to older ones.

This is a $25 value.  Enter on the Rafflecopter app below.  The winner will be chosen on 7/26 and will have 24 hours to respond to my email.

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

(Disclosure: I received a copy of the Encouragement for Homeschool Moms collection.)

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