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Giveaway: Self-Grading Online Math Curriculum (limited price only $12/year!)

I’m so intrigued to learn about a SOLID online math curriculum that’s only $12 for the whole year. 

I haven’t tried it yet, so I can’t give you a review, but I’d love to introduce you to it and let you see if it might work for your family.
It’s from a very reputable company: A+ Interactive Math,

 Giveaway- Math Curriculum

This is a comprehensive and solid online math curriculum that includes

  • curriculum (lessons) eBook
  • worksheets for each lesson
  • chapter tests
  • solution manuals for each problem on the worksheets and tests
  • easy-to-read reports
  • parental controls
  • it automatically grades and tracks students work for you
  • available for grades 1-6, pre-algebra, and algebra 1

Sounds pretty amazing for only $12 a year!  But it’s only for a limited time; the regular price is $60. The curriculum eBook is typically extra but for a limited time it is included as a BONUS.

There will be two winners of this amazing curriculum. You pick the grade level you want!

Giveaway- Math Curriculum 2

Enter on the Rafflecopter app below. The winner will be chosen on September 16, 2015 and will have 24 hours to respond to my email.

(Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.)



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  1. I would need the grades 1-6 level please! Thanks for the honest review! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  2. Would love to try this! I would need grade 3.

  3. I would choose First Grade if I won this! I am homeschooling my kids and this is what grade my oldest is in.

  4. I would need grade 2 for my daughter! Thanks so much for the chances to win.

  5. anne perry says:

    Kinder and first grade is what we are working on currently.

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