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Planning with the Flexible School Schedule Homeschool App

This is a sponsored post, and I was compensated for my time writing about this homeschool app.

I don’t know about you, but every year I become more dependent on my phone for all kinds of different things. I recently switched over doing all my calendar scheduling online, which is great since I can share it with my husband and kids. Grocery lists and other planning done through apps. And, now it’s time to start doing my homeschool planning through an app as well. That’s why I’m so excited about the Flexible School Schedule homeschool app that’s coming soon!

Learn about the newest homeschoo app Flexible School Schedule

What is in the Flexible School Schedule Homeschool App

Take a look at some of these screenshots of the Flexible School Schedule homeschool app. This will be great, won’t it?

You can see the progress your kids are making through the year.

Flexible School Schedule homeschool app child progress

Each student can make notes about their assignment and check it off when complete.

Flexible School Schedule homeschool app scratchpad

What’s unique about the Flexible School Schedule homeschool app?

It focuses on the progress and allows for flexibility by not scheduling work for a specific day. Students can move at their own pace, and not get thrown off schedule because a certain assignment didn’t happen on a particular day. We all know how that is when we have everything planned to be due on certain dates, and then sickness occurs! Well, Flexible School Schedule takes care of that problem.

You simply move through the work and not assign it to a particular date.

Flexible School Schedule homeschool app subject progress

Everything is listed for each individual student.

Flexible School Schedule homeschool app resources

If you are in a state that requires a certain number of days or hours of school, it’s all kept track right in the app!

Flexible School Schedule homeschool app

It’s also really easy to use. You just “fill in the blanks” to get everything set up.

Flexible School Schedule homeschool app plan subjects

What kind of Homeschoolers can use this planning app?

The simple answer is that all homeschoolers will love this app. It doesn’t matter if you do Classical education, unschooling, Charlotte Mason, or a mix of everything. It will work for you because it’s so flexible.

Why the Flexible School Schedule Homeschool App is good for students

I know my goods are really handy with their devices. Tech is their middle name. And, I would guess your kids are the same. It’s just the way the world is moving. So, having a homeschool app will be second nature for them and will help them not only be more successful in homeschooling, but also in life as they learn to plan, make decisions, and mark off when they reach each goal.

Also, it can be used on various devices.

Flexible School Schedule homeschool app multi-device-splash

Learn more about the Flexible School Schedule Homeschool App

Head over to learn more about the Flexible School Schedule homeschool app and find out when it will be available. I encourage you to consider donating to their Kickstarter so we’ll all have this homeschool planning app to use soon!

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(Disclosure: I was compensated for sharing this post with you. I have not seen the app since it isn’t out yet.)

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