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Homeschool Co-ops 101 by Karen Lange

Essential co-op tools, tips, and options for today’s homeschool families.

Thinking about joining or starting a homeschool co-op? Not sure if a co-op is a good fit? Homeschool Co-ops 101 weighs the pros, cons, and creative options available for today’s homeschool family.

What you’ll find in the book

  • Section 1 includes essential, digestible info on co-op ingredients such as planning and organization, schedules, teaching, finances, and addressing conflict and burnout.
  • Section 2 shares a sampling of co-op games and activities, and
  • Section 3 contains five hands-on unit studies. These ready to use studies include lessons on Leonardo da Vinci, Birds of Prey, Public Speaking, Tall Tales, and Creative Writing, and are suitable for co-op or home use. This section also includes unit study guidelines that are easily customized to suit any topic.
  • Section 4 offers suggested books, curriculum, and other resources.

Karen Lange has gathered insight from years of co-oping and now shares her own and others’ experiences in this valuable and encouraging handbook.

Although Homeschool Co-ops 101 is very comprehensive and answers just about any question anyone would ask about starting their own co-op, my favorite section was where the author gave practical ideas for what to teach in a co-op. I especially liked the lessons on birds of prey and hope to teach it someday!

About the Author

Karen Lange, her husband, and three children were active in co-ops during their sixteen-year homeschool journey. Her experience includes serving as a local homeschool support group coordinator and consultant for a state homeschool network in New Jersey. Karen’s children have since graduated, and she is now a freelance writer and online writing instructor for homeschooled teens.

You can connect with Karen at her Blog, on Twitter, and Facebook.

(Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in order to honestly review it here. This post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. Gena, thank you so much for participating in the tour. I appreciate your support! Thanks also for the kind review, and for placing it on Amazon. So glad you enjoyed it!

    Best wishes with your homeschooling endeavors,
    Karen 🙂

    1. You’re welcome, Karen! I’m sure the book will help a lot of people!

  2. Thank you so much for your thoughts on the book and for being a part of the blog tour. Hugs to you and mega thanks!!!

    1. Diane,
      Thanks so much for all your help! You did a great job!

  3. Hi Karen and Gena –

    Very cool blog, Gena!

    I’ve read Karen’s book also. Many parents could use the ideas whether they homeschool or not. Thanks for highlighting this book.

    Susan 🙂

    1. Susan,
      So glad you could make it by. Thanks so much for your support! 🙂

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