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Homeschooling High School monthly blog hop- Introduction

Homeschooling High School Blog Hop 2015


As you probably know, I will be homeschooling my first highschooler starting next year. I’m excited to be part of a group of bloggers who will be sharing about a homeschooling-high-school subject once a month, the last Wednesday of the month for the rest of 2015.

Today I will introduce the different bloggers and what the topics of each post will be.

I’d love to know if you have questions about homeschooling high school. What would you like to ask? Please leave a comment below.

And if this subject interests you, please follow by email so you’ll know when each new post is up! I will link to the others.

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Here are the Blog Topics and Dates:
•  24 June – Planning for High School {How and When, ways to/how we’re planning to earn college credit while still in high school, Meeting High School Requirements, how to assign credit when there aren’t tests, What records do you keep?  How do you present them? What influences your method, your emphasis in certain areas?}
•  29 July – Electives {Following Passions, following interests, fitting a job in with school,  and Being intentional in Preparing for what comes after high school, Life skills.}
•  26 August – Math, Science, History {What do you use ? Why do you use … ? What influences your choices/selection?}
•  30 September- Language Arts {Poetry, Literature, Composition, writing, What influenced your choices/selection?}
•  28 October – “How am I going to teach High School …?” {Addressing the fear factor of teaching subjects we struggle with or know nothing about,  How to achieve credit in subjects your student *hates*}
•  25 November – How do you fit it all in ? {homeschooling high school alongside homeschooling the others, Fostering Independence, Do you generalize or specialize? Schedules}
•  30 December – Graduation { Fostering Independence,  How do you know when they are done ?}

Here are my Fellow Bloggers:


Chareen from Every Bed of Roses – Introducing the 2015 Homeschool High School Blog Hop

Jennifer from A Glimpse of Our Life – Meet The Bloggers of The Homeschooling High School Blog Hop

Meg from Adventures with Jude – Hints for Homeschooling High School

Cristi from Through the Calm and Through the Storm – Some Homeschooling High School Friends

Debra from Footprints in the Butter – My Three (Homeschooled High School) Sons

Leah from As We Walk Along the Road – Are You Really Homeschooling Through High School?! The Homeschool High School Blog Hop

Michele from Family, Faith and Fridays – Homeschooling High School Blog Hop

Lisa from Golden Grasses – You Can Do It! Homeschooling through High School Blog Hop

Wendy from Life at Rossmont – Introducing High School Homeschooling … {A Monthly Blog Hop}

Gena from I Choose Joy! – Homeschooling High School monthly blog hop- Introduction

Kym from Homeschool Coffee Break – Meet the Homeschooling High School Bloggers!

Debbie from Debbie’s Homeschool Corner – Homeschooling High School

Carol from Home Sweet Life – Homeschooling High School ~ What is it REALLY like?

April from ElCloud Homeschool – Introducing Homeshooling High School

Erica from Be The One – Homeschooling High School

Laura from Day by Day in Our World – Homeschooling High School ~ A New Monthly Series of Posts

Tess from Circling Through This Life – Introducing the Homeschool High School Blog Hop!

Dawn from Double O Farms – Tapping into Great Resources for Homeschooling High School

I also have a series that I’ve written called “Preparing to Homeschool Ninth Grade”. Here are those topics and links:

Posts in the Series “Preparing to Homeschool Ninth Grade:

Post #1: The How-To Book 

Post #2: Choosing the Coursework

Post #3: Using a 4-Year High School Planner

Post #4: Our Curriculum Choices

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  1. How wonderful! I was homeschooled beginning in 9th grade and it was the best learning experience of my life! If I could give three pieces of advice on homeschooling in highschool (from the perspective of a former student, not a parent), I’d say 1)Don’t be afraid, 2) Don’t lose the joy of learning, and 3)Begin with the end in mind. High school will look different if your student want to go on to a university than if he or she wanted to go on to say, join a missionary apprentice program like I did or to work a full-time job. Many blessings on your and your kids as you begin this new stage of your journey!

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