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Homeschooling Moms With Apps-Creativity

Nine Days!!!  You can guess that if it’s been that long since I’ve posted here that either I’m out of town or quite sick.  However, if I’m out of town, I usually still post!

Last Sunday my little one came down with pinkeye.  That evening both of us got bad colds.  I am still not over mine.  I don’t ever remember having a cold hang on this long.  It’s been miserable being so weak and sick.  The worst is that the coughing keeps me up at night, so I am exhausted.  I feel a little better today–enough that I vacuumed this morning (couldn’t stand it any longer 🙂 ) and am getting back to blogging.  Two more of my kids are sick today with my same symptoms–poor guys!

So, on to using iPad apps to encourage creativity.  I have absolutely loved this aspect and seeing especially my oldest 2 boys using it.  They have done some really neat things with music in Garage Band.  Lately they have been using iMovie to make some very creative movies.  And for stop-motion animation (mostly with Legos, of course) they have enjoyed using two different apps:  iMotion HD and StopMotion.

My little guys love creating with fun drawing apps such as Drawing Pad, HelloChalk, HelloColoredPencils, and HelloCrayons.  There’s also a little music program they like called Bear Piano and  a little more advanced one called Piano Hero.

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