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Hospital Visit

We had an interesting night a couple of nights ago.  My 14 mo. old woke up from her afternoon nap with trouble breathing.  I waited an hour and then called the doctor.  He said it sounded like croup and to get to the ER.  So all four kids and I headed over there.  Thankfully, my husband was on his way home from work and was able to meet us there.  (This was just one of the many ways the Lord showed His hand in taking care of us that evening.)



At first everyone thought that she had croup, but she didn’t respond to any of the treatments.  So then they ordered a neck and chest x-ray.  The neck one showed something unusual, so they wanted to do a CT scan.  Thankfully, she was so calm she didn’t need to be sedated, and it showed that nothing was wrong (must have been a glitch in the x-ray, probably from her moving).



Next, they gave her treatments for asthma which finally started to help her to breathe better.  The worst part of the whole night was finding a vein to draw blood and insert the IV.  I stayed overnight with her and was actually able to sleep a little.  She was so good, thanks to God again.  We were released the next morning around 11:30 and she hasn’t had anymore problems breathing.



I thank the Lord for His kindness and graciousness throughout the whole time!

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