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Shrek the Musical

Today I’m sharing about my kids who are in “Shrek the Musical.” It’s with a Christian children’s theater called Spotlight which we have come to love! I’m grateful that they have “cleaned up” quite a bit of the show, and am really enjoying being a part of it. I (and many others) have spent countless hours working on costumes. There are 100 kids in the show, and many of them have more than one costume. This was a brand new show for Spotlight, so we started from scratch!

Here are a few pictures from the dress rehearsal.

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My oldest son is a guard and a knight.

Isn’t the dragon cool?

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He’s in the green shirt.

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He’s to the right of the gingerbread man.

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My oldest daughter is a marionette (fairy tale creature).  She’s in the yellow shirt.

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My second daughter is one of the seven dwarfs.

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  1. It looks like your children had a lot of fun! 🙂

    Thank you for your faithfulness to host the link-up each week!

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