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Grapevine Bible Studies 50% off sale!

I just heard about the Grapevine Bible Studies 50% off sale and snagged a great one to do with my kids. They had so much fun with the traceable Bible Study we did at Christmas-time that I decided to get another traceable one.

I got the Level 1 Old Testament eBook parts 1-4 which covers Creation through Nehemiah. On sale it’s only $20 for the family license version. There are 51 lessons and 218 pages! This will take us at least a year to finish. What a great deal! We’ll be studying creation, Joseph, Moses and the Exodus, the 12 spies, King Saul, King David, King Solomon, the Temple, Elijah, Jonah, Daniel, Esther, and more!

The traceable studies have the stick figures of the story lightly drawn.  The kids trace over it and can add more to the picture if they want.  This is a great thing for them to do while I read the Scripture.  There are also discussion questions to ask them.

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My older boys are doing a Level 4 New Testament Survey this year.  You can read a review of it here.

For the sale you don’t need a coupon code, but the sale ends 2/7/14, so hurry!  Check out the Grapevine Studies website.

They also have free samples and Bible studies for all ages for use in all different settings!  You’ll find what you’re looking for!

(This post contains affiliate links.)

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